(no subject)

Jul 24, 2010 18:57

Last time Lauren grew up and we rolled the challenge for all ladies in the house to max their charisma skill in a week, CAN THEY DO IT?!

is it me or does Johnson not look too happy about Semel joining him in the nursery?

Bacon probably makes me gassy, too, but a gaseous green cloud of smog at the breakfast table, really, Kennedy?
she has zero neat points.

just some shameless marketing.

I'd never seen this animation before! Hilton had a d-, by the way, and I'm not sure how considering he was doing most of his homework and going to school.

that's not awkward at all. I guess that's probably another reason not to hook up with every girl you meet, your son might bring them home from school one day.
(Cassie Roberts by leenyland )

PAAARTAAAY, except not really 'cause I'm lazy.

and they promptly move out, because I don't want them aging.
and Kennedy didn't max her charisma...I think she was one point away. does that mean I fail? probably.

just so you know.

Johnson also had a birthday, take a look at those cheeks!

apparently the poor buy is living a virtual life for fear of cutting someone with the razor blades on his face.

Samuel has six or seven mechanical points, and still, the moment the screw driver hit the trash compactor...well, IT SURE SHOCKED HIM.

I used my magical crystal ball of all knowingness to summon a man for Lauren.
meet Gregorian by bondchick_nett! if this doesn't make me love Lauren more..well, I don't know what will.


dry humping!

and this, this is the face of seduction.

Well hello there, Senator!
maybe he and Lauren can role play sometime, she can be Rielle Hunter and he can be John Edwards.

-fist pump-

Johnson had a want to "torment someone" so I let him loose on Bloomingdale, but she's so nice that she just whimpered and his want wasn't fulfilled.

Johnson: I'm so angry that you won't let me torment you!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the last baby for this generation, say hello to Semel!

after her makeover she is pretty cute, but she might be a clone of BD, I'm not sure yet.

Samuel is painting heir portraits for everyone so far, because I had one of Eir but I forgot to put it in someones inventory when I demolished their old house =[


I was thinking before I saw her up close "awh she's cute!">

this was the best I could do. her chin is suuuuper pointy and this hair was the best I could find to minimize the pointyness.
in my mind she reminds me of a mouth breather..and kind of a snake.

two forgotten children boogeying down together, how sweet.

At least Alizarin by wgroome thinks that BD is smokin'!
oh yeah and he cleans up after her crazy family, that's always a plus.

more sexy.

I picked Platinum.
and I'm pretty sure I failed last weeks challenge, only Platinum maxed her charisma, the other girls were all like one away.

just a shot for you to decide if you think she's pretty or not.

no one is going to college, get over it.

Hilton got fat from his grilled cheese inspired wants.

ohh I should've made this the teaser.

before this they went out bowling, but I was annoyed by the date timer and for some reason my brain stopped working and didn't realize that when I tabbed it'd go away.

are you in love yet? I AM!
what I'm not in love with is the fact that all these pre AL community lots don't have ceilings.

One down, six or so to go.

Sigrid by bondchick_nett
I have SO MANY awesomely adorable sims by bondchick_nett in my game, it's so hard to pick who to let in my legacies!

and this is my parting shot.
Dahlia by stakeit_uk, Dwight by stakeit_uk, Ned by gheez and Kylie by beachwee all getting effed up with the bubble blower.
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