(no subject)

Jun 17, 2010 20:04

Last time...Embla Died, Eir got married and gave birth to a baby girl named Anne who grew up into an awkward looking child, I think that's it?

Eir clearly loves Anne, even if she is awkward looking and sleeps in the same room with the dogs.

Embla's first haunting! also, those chairs are what I bought for the last challenge, they don't match the table =[

I think we need to get a restraining order.
but oddly enough, Idunn hardly ever stops over, Loki is over all the time.

Eir: -tucks in Anne for the fourth time tonight-
Casserole: -flees-

Eir: I'm pretty sure that Carrot Stick is shooting blanks, or that I'm dried up, so I decided to secretly go on Clomid and you know what? it worked, I'm pregnant.
Carrot Stick: This is delicious chicken, Ferdinand! what's your secret ingredient?
Ferdinand: love, and cinnamon.
Ball Of Stink: -wafts-

Eir: HELP! my father is in the bathroom that I want to throw up in!

Yep, that's right, she effectively scared everyone in the house on her first night.

and made her life partner pee himself.

I missed her pop, but it's nothing you haven't seen before. I'll just bore you with more pop ups.

the family has over 100k now, I'm just too lazy to build them a new house because my skills in that department blow furiously.

I've never used the Butler before, so I decided the time was ripe.

Embla wakes Anne up just to scare her, and then when she went to pee so she didn't pee herself she scared her again, poor girl will either grow up to be a stripper or a murderer, I'm not sure.
that is if she makes it to adulthood this way.

Here's our butler! I don't remember his name but he's a good looking guy, right?

and it was monday so it was time to roll a new challenge, with this SUPER HANDY challenge roller by..I forget right now, but thank you!

Eir: here's five dollars, buy yourself something nice.
Butler with no known name (BWNKN): Oh gee whiz, thanks Mrs. Viking! -bitch must have no concept of money, I can't even get a five dollar foot long for five dollars.-

Eir: Listen, my creator rolled a challenge and even though I'm already pregnant and near the door to death, I've got to participate, what do you say that I give you a hundred dollars and you let me give you the time of your life?
BWNKN: I'll seriously consider that offer.


Glowing Idol: A sacrifice for me? why, that's completely unnecessary, but if you insist...

Glowing Idol: drats! foiled again.

this completely freaked me out to be honest.

he blind baby with the beer belly is named Samuel after Samuel Bellamy.

I'm kind of liking this butler, he takes care of the baby. but he does leave him on the floor and feeds him entirely too much.

It's Ko'ra Lys by boolpropbea and she's not looking very happy.

I thought I'd give you a look at Anne's profile.
I do really like her actually but I'm not sure if shes a CS clone.

Blind Samuel is spotty, which is adorable and I love, but he's blind =[

this is when I rolled a new challenge because Eir was the only eligible sim and she was only two days from elder...so she wasn't really even eligible.
so Ferdinand is going to have to take one for the team and be an artist for a while.

at least he has a room with a view, right?

I had to remember to plop some food down for him so he wouldn't starve, because..what is a fruit bowl and where do I find one?

it's blind Sam's birthday, and let's see if he grows eyes.

He got eyes! and he's cute! and he got a big birthmark on his face which he didn't have when he was born!

oh, well thanks.

he's still got a pretty bangin' body for an old man, even if he is stinky and he has to bathe in the sink.

Look guys! it's my first ever social bunny! I was kind of excited but this is the only time it ever showed up even when he completely bottomed out for like three more straight days...

joy, more elders.
and apparently I didn't take a photo of her after she aged for this update. but I will tell you that the first time I aged her I also tried to age Loki, Hel and Saga, and when it got to Loki it crashed. so I had to do it over.

fun fact.

I'd probably be in a bad mood too if I had to pee on myself, eat only food that an invisible God dropped into my room with no doors, wash in a sink and sleep on a couch with no blanket or pillow.

Anne is channeling her grandfathers rage.

I'm pretty sure by the time he grew up Sam had all his toddler skills.

his profile is a little monkeyish, but I like him. he has Eir's nose.
oh and for the record, both kids have elf ears, which I didn't know that CS had but I guess he must?

NEXT TIME... The gates of Hell break open and her firey scorn burns us, and no I'm not really kidding.
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