(no subject)

Jun 20, 2010 17:38

Last time the last baby of generation three was born, a boy named Samuel, who was born spotty and blind.
Samuel grew up to have eyes and Eir aged to elder.

this was the first time she aged up, and then it crashed, so I had to do it over.

Well, if that doesn't sound promising I don't know what does!

What, you think this is wrong? c'mon! a little pesticide never hurt anyone.

Here, look at Eir's elder makeover and swoon.

You know this makes you melt, it IS father's day, and this IS father and son bonding.


And here's Samuel! he's looking adorable, but he has Carrot Stick's jowls, which..are kind of bad, but he's cute anyway.

her lifetime want is to raise 20 puppies or kittens.

again with the straight!

She's grown into her looks and she knows it.
strut it, baby.

Here's a photo of her in better light. I'm STILL not sure if she's a clone of he dad, but at least she's cute, right?

and this is Sam! I think he's a better mix of his parents, and he's cute, and spotty!

I fired the butler because he was mostly just sitting around all day, doing the white glove test on the counters.

Look, it's a graveyard! yeah, it IS right next to the garden and my decorating skills aren't really that fantastic, but I was pretty proud of it.

one down, two to go.

I just like photos of ladies harvesting the fruit trees, so pretty.

why so excited, Anne?

Oh! I see what you brought home in addition to your usual homework.

it's thealicecat's Terbium, in teenage form! and they have two bolts.

their hair matches, is this ~destiny?~

yes, apparently that is what it means.

ah, young love.

and it's finally time to let Ferdinand out of the box!

I seriously felt like weeping for Eir's loss, she was SO FAR up the ladder.

not so sad, 'cause his LTW is to have six grandchildren or something.

Anne: I think it's pretty awesome that the age of consent in Spamville is only 14, what do you think?

and this is Sam, letting it all out.

well, with no electronics it's super hard to keep her happy enough to do her homework.

It's Miriam by bondchick_nett because it was time for an outing, and to meet possibly baby daddies if she wins heir.

Pericles by needlecream is so adorable! I want him, okay? but, not right now because I don't want brown hair forever.

Ondott Wulfmangler

Anne: So, can I call you Dotty?
Ondott Wulfmangler: oo can call me Ondott Wuuuuullllfmangler.

More girl meat.
Kylie Irving by beachwee

Anne: what do you MEAN I can't call you Dotty, I'm just trying to get on a personal level with you, you oaf!

it's Jinnee by chitinas_sims and she's not fairing any better with Anne than Dotty was.
(I really don't if there's underscores or anything in that one, I'm just guessing, sorry!)

and again with the mean face/foot tap.

Anne: you know what I find the most pleasure in? a gooey, crispy, grilled cheese sandwich.
Evil Witch: I may be evil, but even I know that a lot of cheese, bread and butter aren't good for you.

gettin' up with the wicked witch, just how I like it.

Samuel: excuse me, I seem to have procured an A+

what with the lack of electronics, they have to make their own fun.

Rasputin by simnels

Ivo by pixelcurious

Ned by gheez

Pearl June by me and Dahlia by stakeit_uk

Anne: Look, over there, an unidentified alien space ship! ++
Ned: all I see is a cloud.

Monroe by sounseelie

foreverred's GORGEOUS Jemma she's got such nice supple lips.

what a diva.

she looks SO disgusted.

Pearl decided to join her for some leisure time on the ole pond, which I didn't know sims could do by themselves.
and she caught a fish in the first few minutes.

why must they have such pretty faces?!

Ivo left her weenies on the grill for THREE HOURS.

Ned: see that bitch over there with the vampire fangs? yeah, left her weenies on the grill for THREE HOURS.

I keep telling you, but Fajita is really mean =[ she beats poor Casserole up, even after Casserole aged to elder.

one more to go!

Anne: I heard that unprotected sex can lead to..you know, babies.

I was seriously going OMFG NO. because I'm not even sure I want her as heir and her baby daddy HAS NO EYES. and I can't find a good tutorial on changing eye color in simpe =[

Anne: I had a bad dream that my period was three weeks late!

no, that's reality.

Anne: Hey there, Ned, fancy seeing you here!
Ned: Well hey there Anne, I don't remember you looking quite so round last time I saw you.

and I'll leave you with Samuel looking concerned over his sisters sudden blowing up.
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