Distant Sirens

Oct 08, 2012 18:40

Title: Distant Sirens
Characters: Knock Out/Ratchet
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Rating: PG
Warning: Slash. Kinda Fluffy.
Prompt: tf_rare_pairing's Fall Challenge (School/Academy Days)
Disclaimer: I own the toys, but nothing else. XD

That feeling.

That fragging feeling in his spark.

It was driving him nuts. Ever since day one of seeing him...his spark would flutter and cause him to begin an overheating process. And if his cooling fans were to kick in, it would be majorly embarrassing and all the others present would make fun of him.

Ratchet rubbed at his faceplates as the rest of the class were leaving. He didn’t want to rush out, a certain mech would probably be out there...he always was.

If he didn’t know any better, he’d assume the red mech was stalking him. But it was something else, as if, well, their sparks were drawn to each other.

With a vented sigh, he gathered his belongings and put them in his subspace. Moving to the exit, he soon entered the crowded hallway of the medical institute.

He wasn’t far down when he spotted him. The beautiful cherry red mech; the one who was proud of his finish...Knock Out.

Knock Out: one of the newer mechs to be accepted into the academy. The youngest there by their standards and a couple of stellar cycles behind him.

The problem was that Ratchet knew Knock Out wasn’t in his league. He was serious, studious, and most importantly, not vain. Knock Out was...well, Knock Out. He was incredibly vain and not too serious about his studies. They seemed like complete and utter opposites.

And yet...

They both seemed to be pulled towards each other...their sparks seemed to sing to one another, a song the pair couldn’t hear, but felt so deeply.

Classes were over for the day, so attempting not to make optical contact, Ratchet rushed off towards his berth room in the dormitories, unaware of his now follower.

He made it to the residential area and was soon keying in his code.


Ratchet froze. That voice...his voice. He spun around quickly and found the gorgeous red mech standing before him, a little closer than he really should be.

Flustered, Ratchet began to back away into his now open doorway, but only found it get worse as Knock Out bounded forward, following him in, and hitting the panel to close the door once they were both inside.

“Knock Out...look...uh...I got work to do...” he started to mumble, but soon found himself pinned to the wall.

Knock Out smirked devilishly, “Oh, I know” he moved in closer, his helm finials lightly brushing over Ratchet’s own forehelm. “But we’ve both been waiting for this”

Shaking his head and chuckling lightly, Ratchet smiled a little. “You always were quite rash”

Knock Out ignored him and leant in, gently nuzzling the other trainee medic in a show of affection.

Ratchet gasped slightly, soon asking a question that caused everything to halt for a moment. “Wasn’t there another?”


“That wrecker guy...Break-someone or whatever he’s called”

Knock Out looked away, a slightly distant look overcoming him. “He...doesn’t feel right” he eventually answered “He likes me a lot, but my spark doesn’t react at all...not like it does when I’m around you”

Ratchet gulped slightly, “But...wouldn’t he get upset?”

“No~” Knock Out’s playful tone re-emerged. “I told him and he was fine with it...said we could still frag for fun and all that”

Ratchet felt his faceplates overheating, this wasn’t going the way he’d hoped. He liked it, but oh how out of touch he was with these things.

With a decisive intake of cool air through his system, Ratchet leant in more and kissed the mech before him.

Knock Out purred in appreciation and pure want. He couldn’t help but moan as Ratchet slid his tongue forward and explored his oral cavity. He pulled away and smirked “Someone’s eager”

“Knock Out” Ratchet looked at him seriously. “Shut up”

The cherry red medic giggled and hugged into Ratchet’s side, nuzzling his chest plates again.

Ratchet huffed lightly, and bit down on Knock Out’s neck cables. After a small protest, Knock Out found the white and red mech force him over to the berth. Soon he was the one pinned down and found the other mech lavishing him all over.

After a little while, Ratchet laid down next to him.

Curling up into his side, Knock Out hummed lightly. He offlined his optics and slowly took in the red and white mech’s scent. His spark thrummed happily and he felt himself drifting into a more relaxed recharge than he’d had recently.

Ratchet watched him settle down, feeling suddenly protective over the mech. Leaning down, he gently kissed the red mech and found him mumble something in his recharge that made his spark skip a pulsation.

“I love you”

He smiled warmly, nuzzling into the recharging mech and settling down as well. Even though Knock Out wouldn’t really hear, he spoke. “I’ll fix the bite mark later...I know you won’t like that.” he stroked the area gently.

The cherry red mech made a slight whimper in his recharge, but was easily calmed as Ratchet hugged him closer.

“Shh...it’s okay” he soothed as he felt himself slowly drifting into recharge. “I’m here...I’ve always been here” He offlined his own optics and lay his helm atop Knock Out’s helm. “Always” he whispered as he joined Knock Out in the world of dreams.

slash, tf, transformers fanfic, koxr, ratchet, knock out, transformers, fanfic

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