Title: Fearful Punishment
Characters: Knock Out/Megatron
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Rating: PG
Warning: Slash.
Prompt: Megatron/Knock Out - Discipline and Loyalty
Disclaimer: Transformers, more than meets the NOT MINE.
“I expect you to stay loyal Knock Out...Loyal to me in all aspects of the word”
That had been said so long ago now. In fact, it almost seemed ancient for where they were now.
The once proud Decepticon medic shuddered as he tried to prepare himself for Megatron’s wrath. Again he’d failed since Breakdown...since he started working alone. No matter how simple the mission, he seemed to be stuck in a downward spiral of disappointment, which didn’t exactly help his mood.
He could see Megatron’s glare now, the instant the doors opened to reveal the bridge. It seemed as if Megatron KNEW he was coming with bad news.
With a small gulp he tried to speak, but no words left his vocalizer.
Megatron frowned, clearly sensing something else other than the mission was wrong, but it didn’t change how he treated Knock Out. Even with this odd relationship they had going, he still treated him like he would his other soldiers.
The medic didn’t take in what was being said to him, his processor sluggish and at current, far too stressed to try work out a way out of this predicament.
Wait. He caught that.
“I...” he stopped, gaze planted on the floor.
What went wrong? That was all Megatron wanted to know. What had gone wrong was Knock Out was distracted, still a bit lost without his partner’s help. When the Autobot Bulkhead jumped him on his mission, it really didn’t help matters. That had been Breakdown’s rival, not his. How could he just fight him like that?
His optics slowly gazed up, confusion still evident even when caught in his Master’s piercing gaze. Megatron stared him down, inspecting him angrily before making a decision.
Grabbing Knock Out roughly by the arm, he dragged the dazed medic to a certain part of the ship, located in close proximity to the brig. This area used to be mainly occupied by Starscream, but now Knock Out was brought here for a failure that he couldn’t even explain.
Typing a code into a door, Megatron shoved Knock Out in.
It was a tight space, and by Megatron’s evil gleam, Knock Out suspected there was more to come than a bare small room.
“You should know by now that failure is NOT an option” Megatron growled lowly, “I hoped you could surpass Starscream, even be ready for his position, but one who can’t obey my rules are not fit to command” he turned away slightly, before huffing a small “I’ll be back later”
The door closed.
Knock Out shuttered his optics. THIS was his punishment? Standing in a room by himself?
He spun round in a circle slowly, expecting something to happen.
Just like all he accomplished on his own. How he couldn’t even attack one Autobot due to working alone.
For a moment he thought maybe, just maybe, Megatron had gone easy on him, but that was when everything happened at once.
The walls began to move inwards, slowly restricting his movement...not just the walls, the ceiling too! With a yelp, Knock Out dropped down and hugged his knees, shutting off his optical feed and trying not to focus on the slowly compacting room.
He was not in a tightening room...
His mate had not put him in here...
The wall behind brushed his tires and stopped, and soon, the other moving surfaces had halted around him, keeping him from moving at all.
He was trapped.
He didn’t want to be alone...
From outside, Megatron watched on a monitor. He hadn’t actually gone all that far away, secretly worried about his mate. Knock Out was now curled up in a heap in the room Starscream had always feared...most fliers hated it, for they did not like to feel confined.
With a sigh, he took a few steps slowly back towards the room, but stopped. Listening carefully to what the medic had now started mumbling.
“Why has everyone left me alone...I don’t like being alone...can’t stand it. I’m not perfect...everyone knew it and just deluded me...I was such a fool to think the other’s cared for me...”
The medic continued, but Megatron knew why he was rambling such pessimistic statements. He was scared. All this had been him pining for attention in his own way, all because he had lost a partner then had to face a mission on his own.
Clicking the controls, the room widened, but Knock Out did not move. He only kept mumbling.
Opening the door, Megatron went over and forced Knock Out up, next forcing him to look at him. “Now...explain to me how you ended up in this situation”
Knock Out’s optics opened but it was as if he was staring beyond Megatron. “I’m alone” he mumbled several times, each time getting ever so slightly louder.
“What makes you certain of that?” Megatron growled, annoyed at the dismissal.
Finally, their optics met.
“My Lord...”
Megatron pulled Knock Out closer, allowing the medic to embrace his lover. Soft clicks escaped the red mech as he snuggled into his master’s chest.
“As long as you are loyal to me, you shall not be punished” Megatron stated lowly, picking up the mech he cared for and carrying him away from the torturous room. “Nor will you be alone” he quietly added under his breath.
Knock Out whimpered lightly, hiding his face plates in Megatron’s armor. “Am I perfect?” he asked quietly after a moment of silence.
Megatron huffed slightly, choosing not to answer. Knock Out took this positively and leant up, capturing his lips in a kiss. He hummed happily for a moment as he settled down and snuggled into Megatron’s chest.
Megatron half-glanced at his mate, glad to see him more back to normal.
As they approached Megatron’s quarters, Knock Out’s engine purred slightly. His servos gently traced lines in his Lord’s armor, his optics gleaming with their normal playfulness. Megatron merely smirked to himself as the doors opened, soon closing behind the pair of them and cutting them off from the rest of the ship.