Treasured Desires

Mar 26, 2012 23:51

Title: Treasured Desires
Continuity: Rescue Bots
Characters: Chase/Blades
Rating: K+
Warnings: Slash, kissing, fluffy!
Disclaimer: Rescue Bots is awesome...but I don’t own ‘em.

Prompt: Rumi
“You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!”


A small alert appeared on Chase’s H.U.D., rousing him from his stasis. As he checked his internal chronometer, he frowned. It was much too early. Unless this was an emergency, which he was sure it wasn’t as the alarms weren’t going off, then it meant someone had opened his stasis pod.

He onlined his optics slowly, only to find a figure peeping into the stasis pod, silhouetted by the low lighting the bunker was currently subjected to.

Venting lightly, he looked quizzically at the younger bot. “Blades? What’s wrong?”

The orange and white bot squirmed nervously, optics sorrowful and scared. “I...I didn’t want to disturb you” he spoke worriedly, as if he thought the placid police car would explode at him like their leader probably would. “It’s just...I had a bad dream”

Chase looked over the helicopter bot again, processor still sluggish from being disturbed. He could see the small amount of hope laced into the the downward drawn optics. He knew sometimes Blades could get unpleasant recharge, often due to his fear of heights mixed into dreams of Dani forcing him into situations he didn’t want to get into.

“C-can I...recharge with you?” the young bot asked timidly, optics avoiding Chase’s in fear of rejection.

“Fine, but only for tonight” Chase stated matter of factly. He was too undercharged to argue with Blades, so he shifted slightly to one side as the helicopter bot squeezed himself into Chase’s stasis pod.

As Blades hugged into Chase’s side, the police car quickly reset the timescale on the stasis pod and tried to ignore the warm feeling invading his system brought on by Blades’ touch.

The door to the stasis pod closed and Blades let out a small whimper as they were thrown into complete darkness. Chase smiled to himself, feeling the tenseness leave the helicopter bot somewhat as he cuddled into him.

“Thanks Chase” Blades mumbled as he began to fall into recharge.

Chase stayed online a little longer to make sure Blades had settled down, and once content, let himself fall back into stasis.


When Chase awoke, he found Blades still recharging hugged up to him. It was almost time to get out of the stasis pod, the human’s nocturnal cycle soon to finish.

Blades mumbled something lowly, snuggling the police car’s chest with his helm. This caused Chase to roll his optics, feeling a little embarrassed. A few more silent moments followed until Blades finally stirred.

Chase cleared the static out of vocalizer as the younger bot lingered in the embrace.

Realizing that Chase was also online, Blades quickly retreated from the hug, a little nervous again. “Sorry” he quickly spoke out, “I didn’t mean...”

“It’s quite alright” Chase stated, opening the stasis pod and climbing out, stretching his servos to warm them up for movement again. “I presume you recharged well”

Blades followed his lead, climbing slowly from Chase’s pod and allowing a small but noticeable nervous twitch of his helicopter blades. “Um...yeah...” he stuttered, clearly a little shy now, “It-it was...better than it would have been if you hadn’t helped”

A deep laugh cut the conversation back into a terse silence. “Oh sure, I’m sure you two had a lovely time” Chase turned to find Heatwave leaning against the wall next to the doorway, a smug look across his faceplates.

“I can assure you it’s not what it looks like” he stated, remaining stoic in the presence of the other bots.

Blades felt awkward as well as a little flustered so silently rushed past Heatwave and out of the stasis pod room.

“You can’t fool me” Heatwave smirked, “I know you enjoyed that”

Chase remained as blank as possible. “He was in need of assistance, so I assisted”

“Keep telling yourself that Chase” the firetruck mocked, folding his arms as he stood straight. “You of all of us should have known it was wrong to do that” Before Chase could respond, Heatwave continued. “If Boulder or I had agreed under similar circumstances, you would have reprimanded us on ‘the rules’ and how we were breaking them. But of course, you can get away with it”

Chase tried to hide his anger, allowing a small frown to cross his features. “And what exactly are you implying I was to do? Deny him in his time of need?”

Heatwave huffed a quick burst of air out of his vents, showing his amusement somewhat. “All I’m saying is we both know your true desire”

“I have no idea what your talking about” the police car stated as calmly as possible.

“Yes you do” Heatwave pushed on teasingly, “What you want is in the next room”

Chase vented slowly, still trying to keep his emotions in check. Again interrupted before he could respond, he was surprised to find Boulder cut into their conversation from seemingly out of nowhere.

“You shouldn’t tease them...I think love is wonderful” the green digger bot smiled warmly at Chase who merely returned him with a cold stare.

Without another word, Chase left the room only to find Blades already chatting to their young human friend, Cody Burns. As the other two followed him into the room, Cody smiled a joyful smile and greeted them happily.

“Hey guys!” he moved a little towards the others. “Blades and I thought it would be fun to play a game”

Heatwave immediately huffed impatiently. “Why? What’s the point Cody?”

“Aw, come on Heatwave! How do you know you won’t like it unless you try it?” the boy persisted. “It’s all in the spirit of fun”

Boulder already seemed excited. “Is this a human game?” he asked curiously, intent on learning more.

Cody exchanged a smirk with Blades. “You could say that” Cody folded his arms as he spoke, “It’s a game called Hot and Cold”

“What are the rules we must abide by?” Chase asked, receiving an odd glance from Heatwave which he again had to ignore.

“Blades and I have hidden Blades’ favorite guys need to try find it. When you get closer we’ll say hotter and when you move away we’ll say colder” the boy explained, seeing a sort of amused look cross the leader’s face.

Heatwave smirked and tried not to laugh, glancing from Blades to Chase. He knew this was a ploy Cody had probably rigged for Blades in an attempt to get the pair closer.

“Any questions?” Cody asked happily. When everyone shook their helms, he smiled widely and said “Okay then, you guys can start”

Heatwave shrugged and leant against the wall again, a clear smirk still plastered on his faceplates. He amusedly watched as Chase moved around, unsure what he was looking for. Boulder seemed to get what the game was really leading to as well after a few moments and ended up chatting to Cody instead.

Chase took a step away from everyone, back towards the stasis room. He noticed the others weren’t intent on playing but knew Blades would probably get sad or upset if he quit too.

“Colder” Blades stated, a smile somewhat clear in his voice.

With a small sigh, Chase turned and walked back towards Blades.

As he walked, Blades quickly spoke. “Hotter...hotter...burning hot”

Chase stopped next to him, looking around. The pair of them were in the middle of the room, and there was clearly nothing there. Chase shuttered his optics quickly in confusion. “Am I to presume there is no physical object to find?”

Heatwave laughed now, finding Boulder also join in. “Oh, there’s a physical object alright”

Chase frowned and shuffled a few steps away from Blades.

“Freezing cold”

Moving back, he stopped in front of the helicopter bot, the frown a little more prominent as he tried to work out this puzzle.

“You’re practically on fire” Blades smirked, “Perhaps Heatwave should put you out”

Chase shook his helm quickly as he heard an almost sinister chuckle from the firetruck. “I do not require that kind of assistance”.

“Any ideas?” Blades asked quietly.

The police car stood in silence, contemplating the situation. He was looking for Blades’ favorite thing...but he was only getting told he was warm when he stood closer to Blades. He knew Blades wasn’t vain, so he wouldn’t pick himself, and he couldn’t possibly be referring to Chase himself...could he?

He looked down at the floor. “Apologies Blades, I’m afraid I am completely unaware of what I should be looking for”

Blades’ smile slipped away, a slightly disappointed look crossing his features. “I think you’re just embarrassed by it” his voice wavered a little, making Chase realize he was upset that he wouldn’t say.

Chase looked back up and gained optical contact. He could see what he doubted was shining through. “It’s me...isn’t it?” he murmured quietly. He could feel his wall of defense crumbling, his emotions attempting to slip through his stoic mask.

“Is there something wrong with that?” Blades asked quickly, nervous tension invading his frame.

Chase again was interrupted before he could answer, this time by the alarm. All of them quickly found their designated partners rush down and prepare to leave.

“Rescue bots...roll to the rescue!” Heatwave ordered.


It was the middle of the nocturnal cycle.

Chase powered on suddenly from his recharge, unsure why his recharge had been uneasy and somewhat disturbing. He only wanted to recharge in peace...but his processor had other ideas.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but this particular nocturnal cycle decided to remind him of how he left Blades upset after that game. Why couldn’t he have just admitted there wasn’t a problem before? Now Blades probably thought he hated him...

He silently opened his pod and exited, looking to the right and seeing the others all recharging happily, unaware of their troubled team mate. He shook his helm quickly, his optics settling on the recharging form of Blades; his pod was between the other two’s pods.

Before he could even think about it, his servo reached out and clasped the edge of the door for the helicopter’s pod. Venting out slowly, he pulled it open and found Blades moan lowly as he was roused awake.

“Chase?” he asked sleepily, his optics dull and bleary.

With a small glance away, Chase spoke quietly. “I hate to say this Blades...but I had a bad dream” he could feel his faceplates heating up slightly, somewhat embarrassed by the role reversal. “Do you think it would be acceptable to recharge together?”

Blades smiled dreamily, clearly still not fully online. “Of course...this must be one of those great dreams I’ll never want to wake up from” he shuttered his optics, trying to clear his vision to try see if his theory was right.

Chase smiled at him, shaking his helm before climbing in and hugging him gently. “No Blades...this is real”

This seemed to snap the helicopter from his slightly dazed state. “What?! Really?” he suddenly shuffled around nervously, unsure what to do. “Wow...I never, and I mean NEVER, thought you’d ever come to me under these sorts of circumstances”

Chase chuckled lightly. “Me neither”

“But...what was wrong with your dream? Why was it so bad?” Blades asked, his frame somewhat stiff as he looked over the police car awkwardly hugging him.

With a small vent, Chase decided to just take the plunge right there and then. “Quite weren’t in it”

Almost immediately, he found Blades kiss him nervously, their lips gently brushing against the others. Slowly, the kiss continued, both as unsure as the other. At that moment, neither of them cared for anything outside of Blades’ stasis pod, all they cared about was the kiss.

As Blades broke away, he cuddled Chase properly, the hug no longer in a weird position. He nuzzled his helm to Chase’s neck cables before stating “You always know just what to say to make me feel wanted”

“Words aren’t needed...I’ll always want you”

Blades made a muffled purring noise as he began to fall back into recharge, Chase quickly following.


“Wakey wakey lovebirds”

The pair onlined quickly, tangled in one another’s limbs. Blades managed to extract himself first, jumping out of the pod and almost falling over.

Chase stood next to him and looked over the smug form of Heatwave. “Was that really necessary?”

“You two forgot to set the time on the pod after you decided to share” Heatwave grinned.

Blades went to leave like the morning before, but Chase stopped him. He pulled Blades into his arms and looked over to Heatwave.

“You were right” he grudgingly stated.

Heatwave smirked, folding his arms. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

Chase frowned, “You were right”

Heatwave nodded to him before leaving, clearly pleased by the turn of events that had just occurred.

Blades turned to face him, looking him up and down nervously. “Are you sure...that you really want me?”

“Of course” Chase stated, a warm smile slipping across his faceplates as he dropped his stoic mask for Blades. “Is there a problem with that?” he teased lightly.

Blades smiled too, chuckling quietly before hugging Chase once more, his servos wrapping over Chase’s shoulders and linking behind his helm. Chase brought his own servos down to rest on Blades’ spinal strut, soon leaning down and placing a kiss on Blades’ waiting mouth.

As they broke away, Chase nuzzled Blades’ neck cables lovingly, his servos rubbing the lower back plating gently to ease what little tenseness was left in the helicopter bot. As he moved his helm back, he inspected the look on Blades’ facial plating.

“Promise you won’t hide from me” Blades asked quietly, gazing into his partners optics lovingly, “Please don’t leave me guessing how you feel”

Chase vented softly, a smile still overtaking his faceplates. “How could I? You seem quite talented at forcing me out of my defenses”

“The game?” Blades asked softly, his shy smile becoming warmer.

“If an emergency hadn’t occurred, you surely had me ready to confess” Chase leant in and placed his fore-helm to Blades’, still gazing into his optics. “Chief wondered why I was so quiet on the way downtown” he added before continuing. “It was what kept me up last night, as well as the reason I came to you”

Blades felt his faceplates heat up, much to Chase’s amusement. He tried to pull away, but quickly found the police car pull him in closer. His rotors twitched from nervousness again, but Chase merely whispered sweet nothings to him, finding the orange and white bot melt more into his arms.

“Don’t worry...I’ll treasure you, always”

Chase quickly found Blades begin trailing kisses around his faceplates after that particular statement.

“Smooth talker” the helicopter smirked, finally allowing Chase an actual kiss on his waiting lips. “How do you know what to say to me?” Blades sighed slightly, resting against Chase again as they continued to hug.

Chase also vented lightly, “I don’t...”

Blades gazed up at him, a small surprised look crossing his features. He traced his digits along the base of Chase’s neck cables, all the while wondering what to do. He found Chase relax and lean more into his touch.

It was then when he felt Chase brush his rotary blades lovingly, sending tingles throughout his neural net.

“S-sensitive” he whimpered quietly, hiding his faceplates in the police car’s neck cables.

Chase gave a small noise of approval, but was forced to release Blades as he was hailed for patrol, a small beeping from the other room alerting him to being needed.

Reluctantly, he stroked Blades’ facial plating as his actions spoke a silent goodbye. Blades made a muffled purring noise and placed a servo atop one of Chase’s.

“I have to go...duty calls” Chase murmured to the helicopter.

“Go...” Blades gasped slightly, “I’ll still be here after”

As Chase moved towards the door, leaving Blades next to the stasis pods, he looked over his lover with a sorrowful gaze. Blades gently did the human action of blowing him a kiss, so he responded by pretending to catch it and clutching it to his spark. With a final exchange of a smile, the police car left the slightly flustered helicopter alone.

slash, tf, transformers fanfic, rescue bots, rb, bxc, transformers, blades, chase, fanfic

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