Fic: Broken Things

May 03, 2012 11:20

Title: Broken Things
Rating: G
Fandom: The Social Network
Pairing: Eduardo/Mark (Pre-slash)
Summary: Eduardo and Mark meet in a coffee shop.

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fandom: the social network, pairing: eduardo x mark

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Comments 4

des_pudels_kern May 3 2012, 18:09:31 UTC
Argh, I don't know, I don't know! It's Game of Thrones, right? Or, well, Song of Fire and Ice. He, so a male character. Everybody loves Tyrion, so that could be too obvious. Jon Snow with his parentage issues could also be too obvious, and I'd think Eduardo wants a bit more arrogant bite in his favourite character. Viserys is definitely arrogant, but is really more a Sean Parker-type of person which Eduardo probably doesn't go for, and anyway disqualified for reasons. Littlefinger maybe? Cocky and sneaky and clever, brain not brawns, often underestimated, backstabbing tendencies.

Sorry, I wanted to comment on the fic but got distracted. But I liked it! Especially how Mark likes when Eduardo talks about something he likes.


doodlelover May 3 2012, 18:27:52 UTC
Yes, ASOIAF! :D I'm also smitten with the series/show, and couldn't help it. I was actually thinking Jorah Mormont or Theon Greyjoy to be his favorite. Littlefinger is also a good choice, though, now that I think about it! (I also toyed around with the idea that he sympathizes with Sam Tarly in areas that make him uncomfortable.) And Eduardo definitely hates Viserys. XD

Heheh, thank you! And no worries, I love talking about this stuff. It's so much fun to talk about headcanons.


des_pudels_kern May 6 2012, 15:47:51 UTC
Ooh, Jorah would be interesting! He is in a way acting as the Eduardo character to Daenerys - falling for her, unwisely, trailing after her and wanting to act as her caretaker and protector, while she, deliberately or ignorantly, overlooks him to focus on her quest. And while I don't think Mark was actually as naive as Dany back then (just very young and scared and angry) Eduardo probably used to think of him that way ('Mark needs to be protected ( ... )


harbingerofcake May 23 2012, 17:53:15 UTC
I enjoyed this! They're not mad, just... cautious. I have a feeling the breakdown of everything that happened comes later, when it becomes clear they have to get past it if they want to be in each other's lives. "He's willing to accept he was wrong if someone can prove it." Very Mark. Well done. :)


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