(no subject)

Nov 05, 2006 16:56

Bar's Halloween costumes are the sort to vanish when the wearer gets out of the main room. Out back they're gone completely. Down the corridors, in the rooms, they might or might not disappear entirely. It's a weird thing, but Bar's magic's affected time in those places too; possibly they're linked. Who knows?

It doesn't matter much in the room nearest the stairs. When Whistler and Suzi headed up there Halloween night, the cape and hood and goggles vanished, replaced by Whistler's old button-down shirt and cargo pants. Suzi's clothes went back to the normal sort- somewhat to Whistler's sorrow. Just because he can't see short hemlines doesn't mean he can't appreciate them.

There's a window in his room, for all that it seldom gets used. It lets the moonlight in. It'll be full next week, but for now it's enough to cast slanting shadows across the floor and let Suzi see without having to turn on the ceiling light. Not that she has to see much right now; she's just talking to him face-to-face. And then, a little later, not talking. That's mutual, because sometimes you don't need words any more.

It's good.

Some time after that, when they're both exhausted, it occurs to Whistler that he really needs to use the bathroom. That's easy enough to find, with his room as simple as it is. He's not in there long, but it's long enough for the clouds outside the window to move. If Suzi were awake just then she'd see the silvery puddles of moonlight covered over, the room plunged into absolute darkness.

Whistler steps out of the bathroom, headed for the bed, and freezes in his tracks. Bar did not entirely lift the costume enchantment. Dr. Mid-Nite didn't have the 'radar sense' of a later, more famous blind superhero. He only had one power, in fact: he could only see in total darkness.

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