TheBreauxShow's videos of James Marsters from the Philadelphia Comic Con Q&A:
TheBreauxShow To bleep or not to bleep James #Marsters in the Philly Comic Con video I'm editing...leaning towards NOT bleeping cause he's so damned fun!
TheBreauxShow #JamesMarsters videos of his panel at Philly Comic Con are up- 10 parts! Here is my fave snippet: SOURCE The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 01 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 1 he talks about the subversive arts and being on the show "Torchwood."
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 02 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 2 he talks about the his favorite Shakespeare character....
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 03 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 3 he talks about the moving to L.A. and getting used to working out there after being initially a 'snooty stage' actor.
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 04 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 4 he talks about the meeting Joss Whedon for the first time.
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 05 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 5 he talks about being a performing monkey in a certain well known character accent...
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 06 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 6 he talks about the chances of a "Spike" project.
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 07 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 7 he talks about his favorite episode of "Angel."
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 08 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on theJames Marsters Panel. Part 8 he talks about on screen kissing and kissing John Barrowman.
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 09 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 9 he talks about how well he and other actors stay in touch.
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The Breaux Show - James Marsters Part 10 - Philly Comic Con
TheMatrix8475 - June 17, 2010 - The Breaux Show visits the Philadelphia Comic Con, and checks in on the James Marsters Panel. Part 10 he talks about who he thinks the best writer is and the musical episode of Buffy. (Note - the camera was accidentally turned off during this speech, so about 10 seconds or so are missing ~ sorry!)/font>
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