Jun 19, 2010 00:01
- 00:15 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (#BUFFY #ANGEL mystery box): bit.ly/dm0pHD #JamesMarsters #BtVS #JossWhedon #SMG #
- 01:44 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 00:23 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (#Spike trading card set): ... ow.ly/17MeGs #
- 11:47 SmallScreenScoop | James Marsters plays evil on TV once again in HAWAII FIVE-O: bit.ly/cpfXfF #JamesMarsters #HawaiiFiveO #H5O #
- 12:00 Twitter | James Marsters SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER Twitter Reports: bit.ly/aN5LHS #JamesMarsters #SheStoopstoConquer #LATW #
- 12:01 GraySunrise/WriggleRosie @ MtS | James Marsters SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER Reports: bit.ly/9PdIlw #JamesMarsters #SheStoopstoConquer #LATW #
- 12:02 oanimation | [James Marsters] "She Stoops To Conquer" (Report): bit.ly/aoKV5n #JamesMarsters #SheStoopstoConquer #LATW #
- 12:05 TheMarkness | #BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, Seasons 1, 2, and 3 (1997-1999) (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/cSlFPf #JamesMarsters #
- 12:15 CliqueClack | Poll: Quibbling Siblings - [James Marsters] #Spike vs. [David Boreanaz's] #Angel: bit.ly/ay57DK bit.ly/aFArIw #
- 12:23 BrianChalfin | Kitsune Tabloid (James Marsters Philadelphia Comic Con Mini-Report): bit.ly/cDzvPL #JamesMarsters #WizardWorld #Philly #
- 12:50 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (scroll for more; auto'd cards, mags+): bit.ly/9XbqrP #JamesMarsters #CharismaCarpenter #
- 13:08 Whedon BB updates: bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters news+; #BUFFY #ANGEL #FIREFLY #HAPPYTOWN #LEVERAGE reviews; #LEVERAGE news/ints... #
- 13:09 ... bit.ly/BBoard Joss Whedon's CABIN IN THE WOODS news; Michelle Trachtenberg sighting; @AdamBusch @juliebenz @elizadushku tweets; + #
- 13:28 DKSC LiveJournal | Poll: Quibbling Siblings - [James Marsters] Spike vs. [David Boreanaz's] Angel ow.ly/17MK0b #
- 13:37 YouTube | The Breaux Show - James Marsters - Philly Comic Con Videos x 10: bit.ly/d3B3zy bit.ly/b6u5z7 #JamesMarsters #
- 13:43 @ TheBreauxShow Thanks so much for posting them! I really enjoyed watching. :) #
- 13:44 PamelaCayne | Pam, meet James. James, this is Pam (James Marsters Phoenix Comicon Report & Pics): bit.ly/avbJbO #JamesMarsters #phxcc #
- 13:49 keribop | James Marsters Philadelphia Comic Con Report & Pics: bit.ly/dnBvhK #JamesMarsters #WizardWorld #PhillyComicCon #
- 14:22 NewNewFie | Vampire Cage Matches On to the semi-finals! (Up next #Angel vs [James Marsters] #Spike): bit.ly/c8fE2n #JamesMarsters #
- 16:29 DKSC LiveJournal | The Breaux Show - James Marsters - Philly Comic Con Videos x 10 | YouTube ow.ly/17MOWl #
- 23:12 DailyDrew | #BUFFY - Season Six "Life Serial" (James Marsters #Spike ment): bit.ly/c95TUA #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #BtVS #
- 23:45 Whedon BB updates: bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters videos+; #LEVERAGE Eliza Dushku int; #BUFFY review; @emmacaulfield @juliebenz tweets+ #
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character: angel(us),
event: phoenix comicon,
character: spike,
tv: hawaii five-0