Aug 16, 2025 23:35

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I want it all. Just... don't be an asshole k? K. Flaming (hur) just isn't cool (double hur) unless it's Ace and his Mera Mera no Mi kickassery.

How'm I doing? Love it? Or do you think maybe he's too formal and not rough enough around the edges? This is the place to tell me! I'm always up for suggestions or ways to improve how I play a character.

***Okay, here's the down-low on Ace. He's been in the game well over a year now so a lot of things have affected him and sort of changed him. So he may or may not seem incredibly ooc to a new player coming in who knows him from cannon. He's sort of strayed off his usual path and is somewhat reverting to his bitter self that he was as a kid. Why? you ask. How is that staying IC when he can smile through anything?

If you really, really understand the freckled pirate, then you'd know that the smiles he wears are false, and that happy attitude is a mask. He hides a lot of bitterness and regret, because he honestly is trying to forget and move past it so he can live his life without it. But it doesn't always work and this place is wearing him away. His strength and resolve is cracking.

Well, it's mostly Discedo, to put it plainly. This place isn't a happy-go-lucky place no matter how the Straw Hats cope and try to make it a party. And he generally is pretty much himself around friends and he will party just like old times. But for the most part he's become a lot quieter, more secluded and in the background. He's also finding it very hard to trust anyone anymore, and he's less friendly than he was. He's become cold and had decided to stick to the Nakama he has.

That's not to say that he can't adopt more, but it will be very arduous and will take a lot of convincing for him to trust again.

Why? is still in your mind I'm sure. Blackbeard was fresh on his mind but he tried to look past that and start anew. But he trusted a few others outside his cannon, Riful for example and Seifer, who in the end sort of betrayed him. Riful played him, and played him hard. She turned out to be nothing of who he thought she was and Seifer helped to cover that up. He never was truthful with him even if they had that bond of trust, or so he thought. So in the end it was Blackbeard all over again, so he's just very reluctant to do so again. It's not impossible for him to trust, but it's not as easy as it was.

Why is he so bitter? Well, most of his closest friends have been taken from him and he blames the scientists for this. Many of his most trusted allies (that aren't straw hats) are gone. His girlfriend was taken from him twice and his best friend(Sanji) has forgotten everything about their bond from Discedo. Granted he can build that back up, but he's reluctant to for fear of losing it all over again.

He's just not dealing with it very well. He may or may not get over this with time, but right now, with how many of his friends have dropped from the game it's not likely. He's holding on to what he's got and protecting it with his life. He's reluctant to make new friendships since he's lost most of them one after the other. And the bitterness really stems from the fact that he will most likely lose the others in time too.

To be honest, though he hates losing them, and doesn't want to be alone, but he does want those people return home to where they belong. So he's not so selfish as to want them to stay here just for him. But that doesn't mean he won't feel slightly bitter about it. He can't change it and he can't leave this place without dying. It's all he's got and he's going to cling to what he has left. The more he loses, the easier it's becoming for him to grow cold and angry. Just like how he was as a child.***

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