♠ Joker ♠ [Video]

Nov 21, 2011 00:43

{There's a close up of someone, you can probably guess it's Ace. He's adjusting the camera a bit before sitting back with a sort of distant, sad smile on his face.}


If you're watching this it means I'm gone... for good. The scientists sent me home and if I do return I will most likely not remember a thing. If anything you might get a younger version of me, maybe a happier one too...

{He casts his eyes off somewhere, somewhat reluctant to tell this last bit, but they deserved to know.}

I'm sorry to say that this also means I'm dead. If I was sent home there's no future for me, I was pulled here at the time of my death and I was given another 2 years and then some to live. It may be the only thing I am grateful to the scientists for. I got to make this shitty place home, I met a lot of amazing people and my family grew. I'm sad that we didn't get to explore more, but in a way I was happy with what I had, because it was something I had lost to begin with.

{His gaze focuses back on the camera.}

I never took any of it for granted. I don't regret anything I've done.

I'm glad I got to see my brothers one last time and I'm glad I got to adopt new siblings. Through all the rough times and losing loved ones, it was all worth it in the end. And for what it's worth you have all made some sort of mark on my life, my soul, my heart will never truly forget any of you. I hope that my memory will live on as well.

Marco. Look after Luffy and Sabo for me. Hell... {A small chuckle.} I know you will. And you and Kiku take care of each other as well. My warehouse is yours, there isn't much left but do what you will with it.

Shanks. Sorry we didn't get to meet up again. Hope like hell this place is good to you while you're here and keep an eye out for my Nakama will you? I know they're troublesome and Marco will probably be pissed I even asked it, but he'll deal. How can you deny the will of a dying man?

Luffy, Sabo... you better keep fighting. Grow. Get stronger. Explore this place and make it your own. Give it everything you've got.

{A thick, ragged swallow as he pauses, trying to keep it all together. He grins at the camera none the less.}

Thank you, {But his smile starts to falter. He's trying hard to keep grinning.} everyone, for everything a-and...

{He's sniffling and tearing up, rubbing at his eyes and trying to keep his manly composure.} I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't stay... Please, take care.

{Reaching for the device. Oh the manly tears!}

Good bye.

{It shuts off and his frequency fades away.}

((ooc: No replies for obvious reasons. This is a fine example of just how utterly horrible I can be. I LOVE YOU GUYS REALLY!! Also as a note. Ace got in touch with Japan to have this trigger should his frequency disappear or he get sent home. /slinks away))


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