"Sun" appears three times, so there are not thirty three ways in which your summer has been most excellent. There are only thirty? thirty-one? I don't know. I can't do math that advanced. (Counting is combinatorics, and combinatorics is a senior level math course at my university, one I don't meet the pre-reqs for.)
Alberta is wild rose country, according to a license plate on a car in front of me today. Canadian plates should definitely continue to be educational. I had no idea anything could grow in Alberta. Isn't Canada a frozen hellscape of despair?
Trust me, it's Vancouver aka Raincouver aka the wet coast - sun deserves three mentions and each one is valid!!!
For Your Edumacation: BC - Beautiful British Columbia Alberta - Wild Rose Country Saskatchewan - Land of the Living Skies Manitoba - Friendly Manitoba (never been but I've heard it's true!) Ontario - Yours To Discover Quebec - Je me souveins ("I remember." Provincial motto.) New Brunswick - Be… in this place/Être… ici on le peut Nova Scotia - Canada's Ocean Playground PEI - Canada's Green Province Newfoundland & Labrador - Newfoundland & Labrador (apparently, that's sufficient) Yukon - Klondike NWT- Spectacular Northwest Territories but the license plate is in the shape of a polar bear!!!!!!!! It wins. Nunavut - it just says Nunavut but it's really pretty and had the northern lights & a polar bear
See??? More than just a frozen hellscape of despair! Usually!
Comments 4
Alberta is wild rose country, according to a license plate on a car in front of me today. Canadian plates should definitely continue to be educational. I had no idea anything could grow in Alberta. Isn't Canada a frozen hellscape of despair?
For Your Edumacation:
BC - Beautiful British Columbia
Alberta - Wild Rose Country
Saskatchewan - Land of the Living Skies
Manitoba - Friendly Manitoba (never been but I've heard it's true!)
Ontario - Yours To Discover
Quebec - Je me souveins ("I remember." Provincial motto.)
New Brunswick - Be… in this place/Être… ici on le peut
Nova Scotia - Canada's Ocean Playground
PEI - Canada's Green Province
Newfoundland & Labrador - Newfoundland & Labrador (apparently, that's sufficient)
Yukon - Klondike
NWT- Spectacular Northwest Territories but the license plate is in the shape of a polar bear!!!!!!!! It wins.
Nunavut - it just says Nunavut but it's really pretty and had the northern lights & a polar bear
See??? More than just a frozen hellscape of despair! Usually!
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