Sure, feel free, You may find my journal rather dull, it's mostly everyday stuff in my life. I tend toward mostly friends only posts, Had a problem with a stalker a few months ago and went Friends only for personal stuff. I'll probably friend you back, unless you turn out to be some sort of loony (I'm kidding!) Welcome to my mundane life.
I admit it, I am a loony, but the harmless wants to save the world kind, not the evil creapy kind. If you friend me, I'll warn you, I babble about EVERYTHING in my Lj, but I do cut as not to torture people overmuch with my angstyness. I read back fa enough to get the reason you went friends only, and my only comment on that is that some people have no damn compassion, and ought to have to walk a mile in someone else's shoes before passing judgement. Nuff said.
Friended back, now you get to see just how loony *I* am. You may regret it. I post a lot, almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day. Feel free to read back over some of the locked posts.
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