The Monsters Suggestion Post!

Aug 17, 2008 03:24

Next up is a suggestions thread for monsters! Be they animate, inanimate, incorporeal, seen only in the mirror, or just creepy moods or effects.... Anything that can show up at night but not during the day is fair game, pretty much. The creepy stuff goes here! =D You can suggest however you want, of course, but if you need a little guidance, here's a possible, completely optional template:

What: What are you suggesting be added, exactly?
Where: Any ideas on where it should go?
Why: Why exactly do you want this to show up in Dollsyhouse?
Notes: This is for specific bits of your suggestion that didn't get mentioned in the general overview of the idea. Potential crunchy bits, fluff, flavor, inspiration, wild possibilities, whatever.
Anything Else: Exactly what it says there. What else is there about this that you haven't mentioned yet?

As I said before, that's completely optional, and only one potential way to submit ideas here. Feel free to use part of it, all of it, expand it, twist it, completely disregard it..... Whatever. This is a place to let your imagination run terrified wild and free! =D

monsters, suggestions

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