an eerie, halloweenish, &/or generally autumnal comment ficathon

Oct 07, 2012 12:26

"I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."

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comment ficathon

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The Least Wonderful Night of the Year (Sam, Dean, Cas, PG13) brutti_ma_buoni October 8 2012, 21:28:40 UTC
"We're told," says Castiel, hair full of shaving foam, with a mauled pair of cat's ears askew on a hairband amid his gunky locks, "That the purpose of All Hallows is to mock and control the darkest forces. That the revelry is not impious, but essential. That humanity drives out darkness." A glob of foam falls onto his coat, and slithers dolefully downwards.

Dean watches the glob till it plops onto Castiel's shoe, and then returns his gaze to the angel's face. Sam can see Dean trying, really trying to hold it back. He's not certain what it is - could be fury, more likely a fit of laughter, considering how ridiculous Castiel looks right now.

But Sam is pissed. There's Lucifer, and vessels, and swords, and Michael, and today, there is also this: getting gunked by a bunch of drunken college freshmen while trying to save humanity.

"Really? Remember what virtuous fun we encountered on Halloween last year? Samhain? With the hijinks and the blood sacrifice and the dead teens ( ... )


waddiwasiwitch October 8 2012, 21:46:18 UTC
Oh I loved this. I just can't get the image of Cas and the cat ears and the shaving foam out of my head. Thanks for the mental picture. :)


brutti_ma_buoni October 9 2012, 18:43:57 UTC
*g* Glad it made you smile!


Re: The Least Wonderful Night of the Year (Sam, Dean, Cas, PG13) copperiisulfate October 10 2012, 04:37:24 UTC
hee! this is really, really great. OH BOYS. of course they would. and cas with the cat ears = GOLD.


Re: The Least Wonderful Night of the Year (Sam, Dean, Cas, PG13) brutti_ma_buoni October 10 2012, 07:56:53 UTC
*g* Glad you liked this!


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