Title: Sleepover
Character/Pairing: Ensemble
Spoilers: Set in between "Business Trip" and "Frame Toby"
Word Count: 2,336
Rating: PG
Summary: Michael decides to have a sleepover at the office. Shenanigans ensue. (Part 3 of 3)
Author's Note: At last, the end is upon us! (After all of ... three days.) I had so much fun with this; thank you so much,
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Comments 151
Can you please continue to make these?
AWW, I love when Ryan catches himself being nice to Kelly.
FIRE! That was a thing of beauty.
AWW, I love when Ryan catches himself being nice to Kelly.
I felt like that was a little self-indulgent and sappy of me -- I can't shake my mad desire to believe that somewhere deep, deep down in his douchey evil soul there is still a part that genuinely cares about her!! -- but I couldn't resist. And, er, maybe him having a split-second in which he was in the danger of really falling back into the Being With Kelly trap is what motivated him to ... decide to go to Thailand with some high schoolers? RIGHT, let's say that.
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I like to think that I will never stop. I thought I had, during those dark inspiration-devoid season four times, but something about season five has reeled me back, damn it! It's like I'm Jim, and this show is Andy, and it is fishing for me. Maybe I'll put its cell phone in the ceiling.
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I really liked the idea of seeing Pam and Michael connecting again, because I think they have such a sweet little weird friendship, and they're sort of the two big emotional centers of the show for me, so when they bond, it's just ... really special. And the fact that they both had these big, character-growth-inspiring experiences (Art school! Holly!) and weren't together while it happened ... I just really liked the idea of them reconnecting like that after what they've each gone through recently.
Almost as much as I like to COMMENT RAMBLE!
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This is just so true to who each character is.
I love writing all these people so much, and it really just makes me stupidly happy to hear that. :D
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