Left and Right: Chapter One

Jul 31, 2010 18:22

Title: Left and Right (multi-chapter)

Author: dolce_amore

Summary: Reid injures himself in an accident six months after starting a relationship with Luke. This is the story of how Reid and Luke handle it.

Genre/Type: Romance/Drama/Future-Fic

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I do not own As the World Turns, it’s characters, or it’s settings. Though if you know where I can buy a Reid, please let me know. ☺

Disclaimer #2: Chapter titles are all lyrics taken from songs. I take no credit for them. They are being used for entertainment purposes only. All rights go to the artists that first penned them. ☺

Characters/Pairings in this chapter: Just Luke and Reid for now!

Author's Notes: This is my Big Bang fic for LROnline. It's 23 chapters, though, so I figured I'd break it up instead of posting all the chapters at once. Enjoy! Comments = love.


One: And You’ll Fall Down a Hole…That’s the One Place We Both Know

Reid’s sleeping habits, much like his eating habits, much like all of his habits, actually - were absolutely obnoxious. Luke laid in the fetal position, grasping on to the edge of the bed for dear life as Reid sprawled out, one leg up over the comforter, the other laying diagonally across Luke’s leg. His one arm was outstretched, his hand landing just above Luke’s head, the other going in the exact opposite direction as to make his wingspan as large as possible.

Luke looked at the clock. 4:13 AM. ‘Ahh,’ he thought playfully, ‘Just another hour until I get the bed all to myself.’

He began to roll over, carefully steadying himself on the nightstand as to not roll off the bed in the process. Finally he slumped down, facing that obnoxious yet still adorable sleeping boyfriend of his. He gently rested his cheek against Reid’s chest, feeling Reid’s heart beat in slow, steady thumps. As a reaction, Reid brought his left arm in closer from where it was previously positioned above Luke’s head, and cupped Luke’s shoulder gently, tapping his fingers a few times before settling down into a full grasp. Luke could help but let out a little laugh - Reid always pretended to still be asleep whenever he made any cuddling motion as a means to pin it on Luke in the morning. What he failed to realize was the beat his heart skipped as he moved in closer to Luke that he heard every single time. The little things gave him away.

Suddenly, Reid’s beeper went off, and his arm swung up from under Luke, dropping his head swiftly against the pillow. “Ow!” Luke teased. Reid ignored the comment, grumbling as he leaned over Luke to reach for the device of constant annoyance on the nightstand.

“Oh, what the hell?” Reid growled. “It’s a page from cardiology. Those morons paged the wrong doctor.”

“You should call them and let them know so they can page the right doctor,” Luke said.

Reid let out a huff, and then looked at Luke, raising an eyebrow. “You are freakishly coherent for 4 AM, Mr. Snyder.”

“You are freakishly skilled in making sure your extremities cover the entire surface of our mattress, Dr. Oliver. “

Reid winced apologetically, “Did I keep you awake?”

Luke just laughed. “You don’t care who the hell you have to push and shove out of bed to extend said extremities as far as possible. I’d say as far as humanly possible, but I don’t think that kind of flexibility is human.”

Reid propped himself up on his elbow and smirked. “You love my flexibility,” he whispered seductively.

“Mmm,” Luke murmured, his fingers wandering slowly over Reid’s chest. He broke out of his trance and flicked Reid’s nose lightly. “Call the hospital and tell them they paged the wrong person before you forget.”

“All because of the goddamn interns,” Reid grunted.

Reid sat up in bed as Luke reached for the cell phone. He handed it to Reid, who was continuing to mutter under his breath.

“Hello, this is Dr. Oliver. I just got a page that was meant for the cardio… being that it is four in the morning I imagine it is an emergency, yes… Okay, and could you remind the imbecile who paged me that Memorial has this thing called a directory, with all the doctors’ beeper numbers listed? It’s just mind-blowing, seeing all the numbers lined up in rows, the doctors’ names listed by department - just magic. They should try looking at it sometime, preferably before paging the wrong doctor at 4 AM… thanks. You have a nice day as well.”

Reid hung up and looked down at Luke, who was giving him a scornful look. “What?”

Luke let out yawn. “People skills, Reid,” he said.

“Those idiots woke us both up unnecessarily. Aren’t you glad I told them off?” Reid asked.

“Actually, they saved me from being pushed off the bed or suffocated. I may possibly owe those idiots my life,” Luke cracked.

Reid laughed. He rubbed his eyelids and yawned.

“Are you going back to sleep?” Luke asked.

Reid shrugged. “I don’t know. It seems kind of pointless to go back to bed just an hour before having to get up,” he said.

“Only you would think that way.”

“One of my many endearing qualities,” Reid replied. He kissed Luke on the forehead and got out of bed.

“Where are you going?” Luke asked.

“Hungry!” Reid replied as he headed out towards the kitchen.

Luke laughed. “I’m going back to sleep.”

“And I’m going to spend some quality time with my new favorite healthy snack, apple pie.”

“That is not healthy nor is it merely a snack with your idea of a ‘small slice’, Reid,” Luke called. “ And I know you think it’s a fruit, but it’s not. It’s pie. With a tiny bit of fruit.”

Reid popped his head back into the bedroom. “I know it’s not a fruit. Don’t you know that the only fruit for me is you?” he smiled smugly, looking quite amused by his own joke.

Luke’s mouth first gaped open before flipping Reid off and giggling simultaneously in perfect Luke fashion. “I actually cannot believe you just said that, Reid Oliver.”

“And I actually cannot believe that there is anything that you cannot believe I’d say, Luke Snyder.”

Luke threw a pillow at him and laughed. “Go eat your heart-attack food and let me sleep.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Reid said. He shut the door behind him, smiling to himself as he reached into the refrigerator for a piece of cake. He sat down at the table, thinking about how strange it was that only a few months ago he sat at this very table with Katie and the kid.

After a decade of his life in which his life had barely changed, in under a year it had gotten a full-on makeover. He went from quiet nights in his Dallas loft in 2009 eating microwave meals to falling down a rabbit hole and eating freshly made sandwiches in 2010 with Katie and the kid to devouring Emma Snyder’s apple pie on the eve of 2011 with Luke sleeping in the next room. Food, his ever-faithful companion, was oddly useful for gauging how much his life had changed.

The apartment that he once shared with Katie was undoubtedly now his and Luke’s. Gone were the pale grey walls, replaced by a deep blue. Upon learning that his favorite napping spot - that insanely comfortable but slightly too small white couch that once sat in the living room - was once Katie and her late husband Brad’s favorite hot spot, Reid had to shower multiple times in a row and then send it on it’s way with Katie to her new home.

It was replaced with a homey, plush brown sofa that was twice the size of the old one (better for napping). It was without a doubt was washed of Katie and Brad or even Katie and Reid. It was Luke and Reid’s home now.

When Katie told Reid she planned to sell the apartment in favor of buying a house with a yard for Jacob to play in, she offered it to sell it to him in the same breath. His first reaction was “Katie, if you want me to leave you don’t have to go to such extremes.”

He wouldn’t allow himself of think of anything else, of the reality of it that was glaring him down, which was to take a risk and ask Luke to move in with him. At the time they had only really been together roughly two months after finally making it official in July. The last thing they needed was more unnecessary problems. So, being the too-sweet-to-stay-mad-at busybody that she was, Katie went ahead and asked Luke to move in herself. And, being the spoiled-brat-drama-queen that he was, Luke first threw a hissy fit that Reid couldn’t muster up the courage to ask him himself before agreeing to move in. From there he promptly went all crazy interior designer on Reid, which was the only time in their relationship that Reid had questioned his desire to be with him.

Reid finished up his piece of pie and tossed the paper plate in the trash. Yes, paper plates were wasteful, but in the home of a neurosurgeon and a Luke Snyder, dishes would never be washed.

He walked back into their bedroom and quietly slinked into the bathroom. He did his usual quick scrub down and rinsed off before turning off the water and wrapping a towel around his waist.

He opened the bathroom door to see Luke sitting at the end of the bed, waiting for him.

“Christ, you trying to give me a heart attack?” Reid asked.

Luke smiled. “Of course not! I was trying to sleep, but then I heard you go in the shower and then my mind started to wander, and then,” he smiled dreamily, “I remembered something.”

“That I look hot wet?” Reid asked, cracking a smile.

“Well, I don’t need to remember things I could never forget in the first place,” Luke replied. “No, I wanted to make sure you knew what tonight was.”

“New Year’s Eve!” Reid exclaimed, clearly proud of himself for knowing what day it was for a change.

“And do you remember where we’re going?” Luke asked.

Reid groaned. “Oh. Metro.”

Luke nodded. “Yup! You won’t be late tonight, right?”

“I don’t plan to be,” Reid replied.

“Great. The party isn’t until later in the night, so I was thinking we could meet back here after work, get dressed, and go get a bite to eat, maybe?”

Reid licked his lips. “I can never turn down dinner.”

“You’re supposed to say you can never turn me down,” Luke replied with a laugh.

“But I cannot tell a lie,” Reid said dryly.

“Sweet as ever,” Luke replied sarcastically. “Just be home on time and shower before you come home so we don’t waste time here, okay?”

Reid nodded absent-mindedly.

“Did you hear a word I just said?” Luke asked, amused at his boyfriend’s tendency to get lost in his surely brilliant thoughts.

“You said ‘shower at the hospital because I cannot resist you, oh Genius Neurosurgeon boyfriend of mine, and if you come home and shower we’ll have no choice but to have shower sex and we’ll never leave on time’.” Reid grinned, swiftly making a beeline for the closet before Luke could throw a pillow at him in response.

“I have a meeting today with the party animal for the opening of the new wing,” Reid mumbled to himself.

“She’s an event coordinator, Reid. Wear a tie,” Luke chirped from the bed.

Reid nodded in agreement, thumbing through his small collection. He first went for the dark grey diagonally striped tie that he had worn many a time since arriving in Oakdale.

“Not that one.” Luke said. “You wear that too much, you should get rid of it. It’s getting worn looking.

“I can’t get rid of this!” he exclaimed, looking over his shoulder back at Luke.

“It’s fraying at the edges, though!”

Reid sighed. “Katie got it for me,” he mumbled, almost blushing. “And before you call me sentimental just let me say that I fear for my life if I ever rid of a gift she has given me. She’d go after me in that little car she likes to back-over people with so much.”

“Aww, Ollie Bear has a sentimental attachment to an article of clothing!” Luke said in a sing-songy voice. Reid rolled his eyes.

“How about one of these?” he asked, snickering as he held up the “Uber-Doc” and “Genius” neckties Luke had gotten him for Christmas.

Luke blushed. “Reid, I told you they are not meant to leave this house. It’s a joke. People already think you’re enough of an ass as it is,” he said, laughing.

“They’re not supposed to leave the house? Luke Snyder, you kinky son of a bitch.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “You’re bad.”

“You love it.” Reid replied.

Upon settling on a plain black tie after all of the deliberation, Reid went over to the underwear drawer, ripping off his towel and tossing it onto the bed after slipping on boxers.

“Reid! It’s wet and I’m trying to sleep here!” Luke kicked the towel off the bed and onto the floor.

“Laying down, shutting your eyes, and more importantly just plain shutting up would help with that,” Reid replied as he slipped a pair of dress pants on over his boxers.

“What would you do if I stopped talking for a whole day?” Luke pondered.

Reid laughed. “That’s quite ambitious of you. I’d give you ten minutes tops. And, to answer your question, I’d fuck you senseless if you stayed quiet for an entire day. You know, to take advantage of my one chance to have sex without conversation bookends.”

Luke crossed his arms in mock-offense. “You can go bang whomever you want. I’m sure there are plenty of guys - and chicks as well, no doubt, who would sleep with you without conversation.”

“Yeah, but they won’t feed me afterwards like you do. Guess I’m stuck with you.” Reid replied with a shrug and a smirk.

He threw on dress shirt and pants, and fixed his tie around his neck. He looked back at Luke and laughed to see him still sitting up, watching his every move. “You never went back to sleep!”

“I blame you. You’re distracting.” Luke said.

“You should blame the moron that paged me and woke you up.”

“No, I should blame you and your limbs because I’m kind of doubting I was asleep to begin with.”

Reid went over to the bed and kissed Luke. “I’ll see you later, alright?”

Luke nodded. “Can you call me in an hour or two and wake me up? I have to go into the office for a bit.”

Reid let out a laugh. “No. I have better things to do than be your personal alarm clock, Mr. Snyder. That’s why we have an electronic one.”

Luke smirked. “It’s broken, remember?”

“How did it break?” Reid asked thoughtfully. “Oh… we… that’s right, I remember,” he said with a snicker.

“Fine, then I’ll call my mom and ask her to wake me.”

“Good idea, because she literally doesn’t have anything better to do than be your personal alarm clock. If she does, she hides it very well.”

Luke laughed. “I’ll ignore the fact that you just insulted my mother because I know you don’t mean to be an ass, and tell you that I think you look very cute and I’ll see you later.”

Reid grabbed his coat. “I did mean what I said, actually. And I don’t do cute. Later, Snyder,” he said. He sat on the bed and placed his arms on either side of Luke, pinning him in place and kissed him. Soft breaths and muffled groans escaped from between their lips before he stood back up. “Okay, I’m really going this time,” he said with more determination. He headed out of the bedroom door.

“Don’t be late!” Luke called after him.

“I won’t! Give mommy my warmest regards when you call her!”

big bang fic: left and right, rating: r, fanfiction, !author/artist: dolce_amore93

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