Left and Right: Chapter Two

Jul 31, 2010 18:27

Title: Left and Right (multi-chaptered)

Author: dolce_amore

Summary: Reid injures himself in an accident six months after starting a relationship with Luke. This is the story of how Reid and Luke handle it.

Genre/Type: Romance/Drama/Future-Fic

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I do not own As the World Turns, it’s characters, or it’s settings. Though if you know where I can buy a Reid, please let me know. ☺

Disclaimer #2: Chapter titles are all lyrics taken from songs. I take no credit for them. They are being used for entertainment purposes only. All rights go to the artists that first penned them. ☺

Characters/Pairings in this chapter: Just Luke and Reid for this chapter.

Author's Notes: This is my Big Bang fic for LROnline. It's 23 chapters, though, so I figured I'd break it up instead of posting all the chapters at once. Enjoy! Comments = love.


Two: Sweeter than Heaven, Hotter than Hell

Reid walked through the door at 7:53pm. Before him stood Luke, dressed to the nines in a black suit and white shirt combination that by his own admission made him look like a spoiled rich kid.

“Richie Rich!” Reid greeted with a smile. He placed his briefcase down by the door and went swiftly over to Luke, planting a kiss on his lips.

Luke sighed, giving in to the kiss. After a moment, he pulled away, raising an eyebrow and tapping his foot simultaneously. “Did you shower at the hospital like I asked you to so we could save time?” he asked.

Reid smiled innocently. “No?”

“Reid! We’re late as it is, and you still need to take a shower?”

“Your lack of faith in my amazing scent after showering just twelve hours ago is disappointing,” Reid replied.

Luke sighed. “It’s not how you smell that I’m worried about, it’s the germs that you get drenched in after a day at work that bother me. We don’t need to give our friends strep throat and stomach viruses.”

Reid shook his head. “Don’t be silly. Even if I were on hangnail duty I wouldn’t deal with people who had stomach viruses. I’d just tell them to shut the hell up and go home. Can’t treat a virus,” Reid explained flatly.

“Just go get ready!” Luke said with a laugh, shaking his head.

“It’s a New Year’s Eve party, we technically don’t have to be there until 11:59!” Reid called as he walked into the bathroom.

By the time Luke reached the bathroom, the water was already running and falling down Reid’s back. Luke reached for the hair gel and ran it gently through his hair, making it practically stand up completely straight in the way that Reid always makes fun of him for.

“I’m assuming you received my text that I got tied up in a meeting?” Reid asked.

“Yeah, your text came through. I flew to California and had dinner with Noah instead,” Luke replied.

“Oh, fuck you,” Reid replied, chuckling.

“Later you can, not now,” Luke replied with a laugh.

“Oh, aren’t you just so clever. Who’s going to be there tonight?” Reid asked.

“A lot of people. My parents, Katie, Chris, Henry, Dusty, Jack, Carly…” his voiced trailed off as he felt Reid got the idea.

“Ugh. There were cookies in the break-room today! Are you telling me I turned them down in anticipation for that?” Reid asked with disgust. “The food is going to suck. I say we ditch and go to Al’s. What do you say, Snyder?”

“I say explain to me how the guest list reflects on how the food will taste again?” Luke asked with amusement.

“Easy. None of those people appreciate fine dining, thus it will be shit dining. The lower the expectations are, the lower the quality of the result is.”

“Grandmother is going to be there,” Luke added.

“Oh!” Reid exclaimed happily. “There is hope then.”

Reid turned the water off and looked at Luke through the glass door. “I’m coming out. Prepare to be amazed,” he said dryly.

Luke burst into laughter. “Oh, I’ve learned to just be prepared all the time. Your gloriousness knows no boundaries. “

Reid stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel on the shelf. “Uh… where are our towels?” Reid asked, water dripping from his body onto the floor.

“I may be holding them hostage so I can gaze at your gloriousness for a moment longer,” Luke said, giggling childishly as he held the towel behind his back.

“Don’t think for a second that I won’t jump you right now and get your fancy suit all wet. Give me the towel,” Reid said, pleasure never leaving his tone.

Luke sighed, surrendering the towel to his boyfriend. “Now I know for the future how fun this could be when we have more time.”

Reid wrapped it around his waste and laughed. “I’m glad you think me being cold, wet and helpless is fun.”

big bang fic: left and right, rating: r, fanfiction, !author/artist: dolce_amore93

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