Middle Ground by Avadrea [Drabble #199]

Jul 16, 2012 23:10

Title: Middle Ground
Author: Avadrea
Prompt: Peony
Word Count: 400 (according to word)
Genre: Romance
Universe: Cannon(ish)
Rating: T (nudity)
Warning: Companion Piece to Makeshift Life.  Makeshift Life is a MA erotica posted on Dokuga.
Summary: Kagome has a restless night, struggeling with the transition form her past into her future.

Kagome looked down at the flower in her hands.  The blossom was larger than life; it’s opulence of soft, white, petals bloomed in graceful velvet waves, tipped in a brilliant magenta.   It had a soft pleasant scent that just tickled on the edge of her senses as she shifted her gaze to the man, no demon, beside her.

Sesshoumaru lay suppliant amid the sheets; his naked body a stark likeness to the delicate bloom.  Soft magenta stripes slashed over pale, smooth flesh, elegantly accenting the natural dips and curves of his hips and shoulders.  Biting her bottom lip in timid trepidation Kagome lightly traced her fingertips along the bold markings still mesmerized by feel of the soft velvety fur against the satin smoothness of his skin.  Her mind reeled in wonder, how could something so deadly be so soft?

Allowing her fingers to retrace their path her touch was rewarded with a soft rumbling sigh as the inu turned his head towards her.  Absently, he rubbed his cheek against the soft bedding like a contented cat, the rich thrumming in his chest rising as his eyes slowly opened to regard her.  Golden eyes wandered over her face in a relaxed, but interested assessment.

Kagome quickly snatched her hand away her cheeks flushing crimson under his calm regard as she pulled the peony to her chest, hiding her own naked body behind the abundance of white.

“You are awake.”  The edges to his words where slightly roughened by sleep, an unguarded softness that was frightening.

“I… I couldn’t sleep…”  Her fingers tightened around the flower bruising the delicate petals.  She felt a threatening tickle at the edges of her eyes and looked away in shame.  She would not cry in front of him again.

The inu rolled towards her with an indulgent chuff.  She felt his fingers trace a warm path along her cheek, his touch so careful despite the deadly talons that skimmed along her flesh.

“He is not coming for you.” The words where hard and cold but his voice was warm, almost gentle, as he attempted to sweep away the shards of her broken heart.

“I know.”  Kagome looked down at the flower, almost mangled in her grip.

Firm hands enveloped hers, carefully prying her fingers free of the crushed peony.  “Let him go Kagome.”  His command was a plea as he pulled her closer.  “Let him go.”

2012 term 2, avadrea, -canon universe, -romance, =drabble, =drabble #199 peony

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