Overrated by Avadrea[Oneshot #92]

Apr 06, 2012 01:12

Title: Overrated
Author: Avadrea
Prompt: Precision
Word Count: 510 (according to word)
Genre: Romance
Universe: A/U
Rating: T
Warnings: Naughty tornado mention.
Summary: Sesshoumaru's life has been turned upside down.  Everything is out of order, his world is in chaos, and it's all her fault.
A/N: set in my Code Monkey universe post plot.  Can be read and appreciated as a stand alone one shot.

There had been a time in Sesshoumaru Koushou’s life when everything had been neat and methodical.  His home had always reflected his careful intensity.   There was place for everything, and everything had been kept dutifully in its place.  Back than it was not a twenty minute adventure trough his apartment to find the TV remote (today his quest had ended with him finding the elusive device tucked under one of the pillows on his bed... his unmade and disturbingly rumbled bed).   The cap had never been left off the toothpaste and the tube had been neatly folded up from the end, not squished mercilessly in the middle.   Laundry had never been allowed to lay scattered haphazardly about the place as if a tornado had decided to do a strip tease in his living room.  No it had all been neatly contained in one of three hampers, whites, darks, or lights.  Now, after an unfortunate incident that turned all his pristine white work shirts a brilliant pink, a fourth had been added for the horrid color, not that they were being used as they should be.

Sesshoumaru had lived his life the same way he worked, with deliberation, precision, and discipline.  He should have known she would end up turning his apartment upside down.  After all hadn’t she done the same thing with his life months ago?  He could still remember her first day and how his heart had done somersaults in his chest when Totosai had introduced her as the new receptionist.  The strange desire to faint and throw up on his shoes at the same time had been almost overwhelming.  He had been convinced he had the flu.  When the “illness” had persisted for three weeks he realized it was something much more serious.  His idiot brother would have called it a crush, he called it a curse.

Releasing a soft sigh of exasperation Sesshoumaru bent over to pick one of the stray cast off garments laying tauntingly on the bedroom floor.  A soft frown turned down the corners of his lips as he turned the small bit of fabric over in his hands.  Panties, pink ones.  If he remembered correctly they where the guilty party in the untimely demise of his “tighty whities”.  In the bathroom he could just barely make out the slightly off key humming of undergarments partner in crime over the sound of the shower.

It had taken him seven months to make a move.  It had taken her seven weeks to move in.   It had taken his orderly life seven minutes to fall into bedlam.

Yes, there had been a time when his life had seemed perfect, there had been none of this maddening chaos and disorder, but then, there had also not been a delightful pair of pink panties lying discarded on the bed room floor.  And there most certainly wasn’t a deliciously naked woman in his shower.  Smiling to himself Sesshoumaru stalked towards the bathroom, drawn by the off key humming as if it were a siren’s song.

Order really was overrated.

avadrea, -alternate universe, =oneshot, 2012 2q, -romance, =oneshot #092 precision

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