Precision (the lack thereof): evil_bunny_king, oneshot #92

Apr 06, 2012 01:44

Title: Precision (the lack thereof)
Author: evil_bunny_king
Prompt: Precision
Word Count: 631 (according to Open Office - my computer's reset one too many times. xD)
Genre: Romance
Universe: A/U - Ember Days
Rating: U
Warnings: Absolutely none.
Summary: It's early morning and the caffeine is missing. Chaos reigns.

“...but how did the beans get through the grinder without grinding?”

Sesshoumaru could see Kagome's hand shaking in barely restrained frustration as she crouched before one of the many appliances in her kitchen, one sigh after the other tumbling from her lips as she blinked fruitlessly into the inner belly of the machine she was gutting. A smile crept to his lips at the soft sounds, unbidden and quickly expunged, and he allowed himself to step closer to his unintended housemate, observing over her shoulder the hot, swollen coffee beans that filled the bottom of the grinder.

For the many useless amenities humanity had created over the centuries to make up for their intrinsic weaknesses, the 'coffee machine', he found, was one of the most perplexing. 'Liquid courage' (as the girl had adamantly defended it each morning for the month he'd been consigned to remain here), with its bitter, gritty taste, was a bewildering mortal obsession, and if it was not for the surprisingly soothing effects it seemed to have on his brother's human, he'd have removed the machine and disintegrated it subtly in the woods outside. Such a fetish for boiled seeds was a further mark of the degradation of the race, and its dependency on narcotics.

Previous interactions, however, with the fierce, bright-eyed mortal in the early hours had temporarily assuaged his distaste.

He bent forward to better examine the situation, briefly appreciating the way her hair fell across the curve of her neck as she shifted to glance at him before dismissing him to glare at the tray again.

He spotted the problem in moments.

Human 'technology' (cheap and fallible as it was) was no match for a youkai, let alone one of his caliber.

The edges of his treacherous lips tweaked upwards in a smile.

“You will find it easier if you insert the... coffee, in the correct tray rather than the water receptacle, Higurashi-san.”

She lowered the tray with a sharp crack, turning fully to fix him with a half-asleep glare. Sesshoumaru blinked as a coffee packet was shoved into his hands and suddenly the woman was standing, marching over to the bin with the entire coffee maker in hand to shake its contents ferociously out. It was only the centuries of well-honed instinct that led him to catch the coffee pot as it slipped from its holder.

She ignored the gesture, roughly sliding the machine back on the counter and fixing a frown on him once more.

“You fix it.”

The youkai considered her with an element of concealed surprise, delicately placing the pot back in its receptacle. For the last three weeks his undesired companion had been quiet and compliant, if gradually warming to the situation they'd both been placed within, submissive to him as a mortal could only be. He'd expected it - the lower race would always intrinsically acknowledge the supremacy of the upper, out of fear if not unconsciously, and there was no reason that she would differ, despite the circumstances of her birth.

The flicker of fury that burned in her eyes now defied that, however.

He remembered that same gaze, although burning brighter, in the flickering light of the campfire as the girl had stood crouched before the fox, the defiance that had entwined her warm scent then recalled now in the midst of the kitchen of this banal human abode.

He found her... strange.

As if the extent of her transgressions had begun to dawn on her, she crossed her arms defensively, a small shiver running across her shoulders as they subconsciously hunched, her body language mimicking her internal withdrawal. Nevertheless she retained his gaze, the spark within remaining, although shrunk.

“Please,” she asked almost mournfully, the faintest hint of mollification tainting the word.

-alternate universe, =oneshot, 2012 2q, evil_bunny_king, -romance, =oneshot #092 precision

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