Title: Weary To The World
Author: lustchantay
Theme: Inheritance
Genre: Introspection
Rating: K+
Warnings: None
Word Count: 684
Summary: He saw no point of holding on or holding out for humanity, but maybe she will change that.
A/N Continuation of my story
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6705468/1/Living_For_The_Past Ancestral lands as far as the Western eye could see.
Mostly inhabited, but not all forgotten.
He had chose a long while ago, at the first sight of forest annihilation that he would not give in or give it up. He was not a Lord of the land as his father, and in all honesty he never been or sought to be. He only wanted the execution power of a Lord, not the title. But he still felt as if the land was still his all the same, similar to an inheritance, one he was never acceded, but his through fortitude.
One might think he was coming off as sentimental if one of the past would see him now, standing at the base of a mountain looking like he was communing with a tree. A clawed hand spread along it's trunk as if it were the last tree to be saved.
Perhaps in my old age I have become idealistic, he pondered to himself. Only to scoff at the idea of that a moment later; yes he was still battling those demons. Maybe the humans had found a way to put their sentimentality in the water supply.
They sure found a way to do everything else.
Defeated he may seem to be, but he would hardly admit to a defeat. He had fought no foe. He simply decided to keep to himself, not interfere on human behalf or on youkai behalf. He wouldn't call it cowardly he called it surviving. Any youkai was susceptible to death even the most powerful, his father had shown him that. Inuyasha had almost been successful in proving his attainable demise first hand by that particular inheritance. And even though he had not come in close contact with death since then, he knew that his own casualty was a real possibility despite his arrogance in the past to not believe such.
The way humans were multiplying made it obvious over the course of years. So he thought why fight it? Just to preserve the senseless youkai that were still around causing unnecessary havoc so they could reproduce more senseless youkai.
He thought not.
There were fewer and few Taiyoukai around, and those who were were not reproducing to replace them if they fell; him included. Maybe it was his fault for not giving a damn, not carrying on a strong bloodline. He knew he could have back then but that was an idea he never entertained. He was seeing to his own priorities, and not that of the youkai population. Offspring only brought on responsibility and emotions, two things he alienated himself from.
Ah, well too late for regrets he didn't even like to think he knew what the word meant. After all he was here, they were gone, and only at the price of a lost identity.
But now there was her.
It was strange. Even with the unfortunate human beings he had come across in modern society he had still felt as if he were the only living being on the earth still. Back in the 1500's he had chosen to live in near remote solitude he chose not to embrace the lifestyle of his parentage and opted for a life of wondering instead. Even when he acquired a vassal and a young girl he still did not feel as if he had company, he often left them to their own devices and when they were in his company he distinctly ignored them.
But when he layed eyes upon her after 500 years he felt something he hadn't felt since the time of Jaken; a similar connection. She hadn't forgotten his true self, he may have been loss to the world but not loss to this insignificant human girl.
Well maybe not insignificant if she possessed a means to immortalize herself, he wondered. It was a subject he still wasn't able to reconcile, and probably won't, he thought to himself. Their run in left her a bit rattled it seemed so he was sure he wouldn't be seeing her again, at least not in this time era.