Full Moon

Oct 08, 2010 00:28

“Do I gotta take you to a doctor or something ( Read more... )


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Some undetermined amount of time later... doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 21:32:44 UTC
Teller lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He almost seemed asleep, if not for the deck of cards in his right hand. He's off in his own little world right now, practising one-handed cuts, shuffles, and flourishes.

He probably could do this in his sleep, actually...


guppy_sandhu October 16 2010, 23:16:06 UTC
"Oh, um, Penn pushed me onto some... supplies." Guppy says. "I didn't realise it was that strong."

He goes over and starts transferring the condoms into a plastic tub, which he puts back in the cupboard where it should be.

In said cupboard are also some bottles of alcohol hand gel, and the plaster of paris wrap, incidentally.

"Right. Do you two need anything or can I go back to sleep?"


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 23:16:56 UTC
Teller just shrugs vaguely.

Don't mind him. He's just plotting evil right now.


zeevofbristol October 16 2010, 23:22:13 UTC
"Fine I suppose. There wouldn't happen to be some books around?"


guppy_sandhu October 16 2010, 23:32:21 UTC
Guppy gets George some reading material. And Teller, while he's at it.

He's not sure he should sleep, but he's so tired out that there's not much choice.

"I don't think there's anyone else here. So you've got me. And I need a kip. So wake me if you need me, but please, behave yourselves."

He flops back down on the bed. He looks absolutely exhaused, and is soon asleep again.


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 23:35:44 UTC
Soon as Teller's confident that Guppy's fallen back asleep, he sits up. There's one of those service rats around here; he knows he's seen one.

Eventually, it comes scurrying around, and Teller waves it over. He points at his jacket, which is nearby, getting the rat to fetch it from him.

From his jacket, he hands the rat a ten dollar bill, and whispers instructions at the little critter.

The rat follows his instructions and goes away for a little bit. About twenty minutes, he comes back, and one at a time, starts putting opened condoms under George's bed.

Take that, you psycho!


zeevofbristol October 17 2010, 04:34:54 UTC
George glared at the rat, and tried to shoo him away. The waitrat trembled but kept on placing the condoms. He finally gave in to his still strong wolf nature and growled at the creature. The rat gave a shocked squeak, and scurried out of the room.


doesntsaymuch October 17 2010, 04:37:25 UTC
Wow. What a dick. Don't be nice to those rats, and who knows what'll wind up happening to your supper.

Teller watched all this from his spot, making sure George could see the thoroughly unimpressed look on his face.

Maybe the smell of those condoms is getting to him?


zeevofbristol October 17 2010, 04:50:41 UTC
Well, his wolf side was a bit of dick yes. Usually he was sweeter, and well, the staff just would avoid him.

But now yes the smell was annoying and *revolting.* He hurled them away with another low growl. Some months it was harder to control it so close to the moon. And he didn't realize the wolf side was a bit annoyed about losing its prey.


doesntsaymuch October 17 2010, 04:54:17 UTC
Teller seems to find this guy's behaviour quite hilarious, it would seem. He hadn't expected George to get so annoyed, but watching him flail is already well worth the money he paid to the rat.


zeevofbristol October 17 2010, 05:09:04 UTC
George glowered some more.

"What is your problem already?"


doesntsaymuch October 17 2010, 05:12:27 UTC
And that manages to push Teller right off the edge, and he starts cackling madly. He falls over to his side, but this just hurts his side, so the laughter just turns pained.

It's not quite bad enough to make him shut up, though.


zeevofbristol October 17 2010, 05:15:15 UTC
"Oh wonderful...I'm stuck with a raving nutter." George rolled his eyes at that.


doesntsaymuch October 17 2010, 05:18:15 UTC
And that's Teller, completely gone. He'll just be over here, trying to catch his breath.


guppy_sandhu October 17 2010, 08:06:08 UTC
Well that was a nice... twenty minutes.

Guppy gets up, runs his hand through his hair, and goes to make his twenty sixth cup of coffee.

Except when he goes past George's bed, he slips on an open condom, and narrowly avoids injuring himself again.

"What the fuck?!" he picks the Blackcurrent Extra Lube off his shoe.

He glares at Teller.

"Okay, I don't even care how you did that without moving. Neither of you are sick enough to need continuous medical care."

He finds the Work Experience waitrat, and writes out a note.

"Please take this to a member of Security or another medic."


doesntsaymuch October 17 2010, 08:09:35 UTC
Teller has to clutch his side as he keeps laughing. Maybe George was right, and he really had lost it.

Either way, he finally gets why Penn loses himself whenever Teller gets angry. It is kinda funny when someone gets shouty.


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