Full Moon

Oct 08, 2010 00:28

“Do I gotta take you to a doctor or something ( Read more... )


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Some undetermined amount of time later... doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 21:32:44 UTC
Teller lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He almost seemed asleep, if not for the deck of cards in his right hand. He's off in his own little world right now, practising one-handed cuts, shuffles, and flourishes.

He probably could do this in his sleep, actually...


Re: Some undetermined amount of time later... zeevofbristol October 16 2010, 21:37:45 UTC
George had tried to sleep off and on. Usually it was easy to hibernate post-full moon, but he was more used to working in medical environment. Not being a patient in one.

He slowly opened his eyes again, and sighed. Missing his friends.


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 21:41:35 UTC
Teller wasn't paying attention to the nut in the other bed. He could start levitating, and Teller probably wouldn't have noticed.

He'd tried to nap, but even with Guppy, erm... 'standing' guard on the bed between the two of them, Teller wasn't quite ready to trust that the other guy wasn't going to try to finish the job.


zeevofbristol October 16 2010, 21:48:24 UTC
George sighed again.

"I don't believe this," he grumbled a little. Though he supposed he was lucky no one had tried to shoot him in his wolf form before.


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 21:50:51 UTC
Oh, he's up?

There's an empty tray on the table next to Teller's bed from his earlier breakfast.

Without even looking, he picks it up and flings it frisbee-style in George's direction.


zeevofbristol October 16 2010, 22:26:21 UTC
George gave a high pitched yell, and flailed to avoid getting beaned on the forehead with it.

"What is wrong with YOU?! You don't just go throwing random objects in an infirmary!"


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 22:26:59 UTC
Oh, what was that, George?

Teller didn't hear. He's too busy ignoring you.


guppy_sandhu October 16 2010, 22:32:16 UTC
Guppy, who was asleep in the middle, is jolted awake. Well there goes the first time he slept more than ten minutes since 6am yesterday, when he was woken by Alex escaping from his bedroom.

"It wasn't me!" he squeaks, in reflex. Then realising where he is, looks embarrassed, clears his throat, gets up and goes over to George.

"Are you okay? What's the matter?"


zeevofbristol October 16 2010, 22:33:48 UTC
George sputtered and then pointed at Teller, "He's throwing things."


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 22:34:48 UTC
Teller is still lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, and doing his little card tricks.

What? Did someone say something? He hadn't noticed.


guppy_sandhu October 16 2010, 22:38:20 UTC
Guppy pinches the bridge of his nose.

He goes over to Teller.

"The only reason I'm not in my own bed, sleeping, is because I stayed here to protect you. If you think George attacked you, then don't do bloody stupid things like throw stuff at him!"


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 22:39:54 UTC
Teller looks up at him, and shakes his head. He didn't do anything! He's just been lying here this whole time, playing with his cards.

Like he'd do something that stupid. Really!


zeevofbristol October 16 2010, 22:44:40 UTC
George folded his arms and added, "It's utterly ridiculous. And of course it was you. Who else would be stupid enough to throw cookware around?"


guppy_sandhu October 16 2010, 22:53:55 UTC
"Teller. Where is your breakfast tray?" Guppy asks, in the tone of voice that even Alex, the cat and the dog knows means 'I know that puddle of wee did not get on the floor on its own'.

He goes to George's bed, picks up the tray, and comes back.

"Now I know neither of you got out of bed, because you'd have set the moniters off. So let's stop the innocent act, Teller.

The Infirmary is a No Violence Zone. You hit him with a tray, or anything else, you go in the cells. He hits you, he goes in the cells. You'll still get treated but don't expect it to be as cosy as in here."


doesntsaymuch October 16 2010, 22:58:14 UTC
Sigh. Fine.

He holds his hand out for the tray so that he can put it back.

He won't hurt the psycho again. No promises about anything psychologically damaging, though.


zeevofbristol October 16 2010, 23:09:55 UTC
"And why does it still smell like artificial strawberries? Did some potpourri explode?"


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