After a season filled with one great episode, two half-way decent episodes (if I'm being generous), and 9 craptastic mockeries of what once was, we now have ... two great episodes. THANK you, Supernatural. For reminding me why I'm still willing to hang on by my fingernails long after I should have just turned off the lights and gone home.
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Comments 32
But for this ep, I thought they were aces on all fronts.
My lack of comment and/or review of much of S5 and virtually all of S6 has not been due to lack of opinion -- far from it in fact --- but rather a reflection of the reality that I've had nothing positive I can say about these eps to counterbalance the multitudinous negatives I would feel obliged to note were I to post anything at all that even nominally represents the truth of how I feel. All of which should serve as a stick of measure for how deeply dissatisfied I've truly been this last year or so, given some of the harsher criticisms I have let fly while keeping my less charitable observations to myself out of deference to those who can and are still enjoying the show even if I'm not ( ... )
Oh, and didn't you promise some John fic?
*crosses arms much like old John Winchester himself*
That's right. I said it. And I'm gonna hold you to it too.
*now a John Winchester stare of disapproval*
The good news it is.
Good news: you're gonna fucking LOVE the Sammy/hospital sequences I was teasing about earlier. It hits every one of your kinks right on the nose. Bad news, but with sprinkles of good? I was having so much fun writing BadAss!John that I wrote twice what I intended to on the subject (that's the sprinkles of good), which actually detached it from the scene it was in, requiring it to move a bit farther down the timeline for pacing purposes. Which means, while that scene is now finished and ready to post, I can't post it until I finish the 3 scenes that precede it, of which only 1 is close to done.
But I'm working on it. As someone wise once told me: don't jump ship, my friend. And as I would add my own damn self: I'll make it worth your wait, I promise.
I can't wait but am willing to for this!
My only problem with it was the fact that they didn't show an actual dragon. (Yes, I know they don't have that kind of budget, but I really like dragons! Haha.) I guess that's a pretty minor thing, though, so I'll let it pass. :)
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