After a season filled with one great episode, two half-way decent episodes (if I'm being generous), and 9 craptastic mockeries of what once was, we now have ... two great episodes. THANK you, Supernatural. For reminding me why I'm still willing to hang on by my fingernails long after I should have just turned off the lights and gone home.
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Comments 32
I didn't feel like that for as long as you did, but I share the feeling and the hope.
At first, I bitched mightily about it because there were episodes between the real crappers that I enjoyed enough to still get my panties in a twist over how much the rest were not living up to even minimum standards of SPNness. But as time wore on, there were fewer and fewer episodes that were anything but just a waste of time ... an opinion that is reflected by my unwillingness to comment on episodes at all. Not because I didn't have an opinion. But rather because my opinion was becoming so overwhelmingly and consistently negative as to more accurately be called a rant against everything the show was doing wrong ... that everything including everything, from individual episode logic to continuity to canon character representation to mythos integrity ( ... )
(and oh but I could so go to barcelona...risk it anyway...any news on that?)
Exactly. There is a spirit to shows that own you, and even when all the surface details seem the same to others, if the underlying spirit of the show dies, those who love it for its spirit can't abide the sight of it any longer. Or at least I can't.
The same thing happened for me with NYPD Blue, Buffy, Angel and West WingWithout ever being told of the change, I could tell the MOMENT the driving force behind the show left. The one who gave it it's spirit. With Buffy and Angel, they also experienced a dramatic dive in quality of writing, and that played into it for me. But with NYPD and WW? The sad thing was that the dialog and plotting and characterization, in their surface details, all remained a very high quality ( ... )
Now, I'm looking forward to more SPN reviews from you in the future. Always appreciate your take on it.
And oh yeah, thanks for continuing with Skin! :)
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