The Todd Time High-Five!

Feb 07, 2012 23:04

I want to talk about "Scrubs". More specifically, The Todd.

So, over the last several months, my household has been doing a rewatch of Scrubs. This is one of those shows that we have seen the majority of episodes through like all out of order. So now we are watching them in order ( Read more... )

scrubs are my doctors, krycek is the original bamf, photos - the todd, the bff is my bestest best friend, spn love, tv show blahblahblahing, underwear, the todd is my dr of love, videos - tv show clips, dirty old lady, jensen ackles is beautifulness, dream in which..., youtube is an alien-virus, icons are shiny, sister oh sister

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Comments 34

vikingprincess February 8 2012, 12:27:41 UTC
I miss Scrubs. This is partly because my TV time is low, and partly because it airs at times I'm not able to predict, and partly because I liked the first couple of seasons best.

I fear that I usually wanted to smack Todd. While giggling, but still. Smackage.


dodger_sister February 13 2012, 02:41:10 UTC
How can you miss Scrubs when it is on - it is on like ten times a day? lol I like the first couple of seasons the best too, when they were all young and fresh-faced. I noticed the other day that a lot of their extra side-characters are the same throughout all the years though - like Todd, Doug, Ted, UPS guy, Snoop-Dog Intern. It's awesome.

I fear that I usually wanted to smack Todd

It's cool, baby. The Todd likes it. High-Five!


vikingprincess February 13 2012, 03:21:03 UTC
1. No TiVO
2. I tend to use TV as background noise rather than search for episodes
3. I'm always happy if I happen to stumble upon it, but I don't go looking.

That's how! :D

The Todd thinks slaps are foreplay. High Five!


dodger_sister February 14 2012, 02:53:00 UTC
Now that I say Scrubs is on like ten times a day, it occurs to me that two of the channels that run it here are local - WGN and MY18 (plus, Comedy Central). I can seriously turn on the TV any time of day here in MI and find Scrubs on. It's nice when I am just eating a snack for ten minutes and need something to stare at.

Slap that High-Five, baby!


lizibabes February 8 2012, 19:09:18 UTC
Thanks to the Todd I spent a few years of my education with a group of friends that would high five everything. It started as stealing his and then turned into a contest to see what were the weirdest things we could high five over. We watched the first few series in class, which might exsplain why no one did to well in that class, but so worth it lol

When I dabbled in technical theater we 'tested' the sound system by playing the songs from the musical ep over it......when the person in charge walked in to "everything comes down to poo" they weren't impressed....we high fived...


dodger_sister February 13 2012, 02:45:03 UTC
LMAO See, The Todd makes everything better.

contest to see what were the weirdest things we could high five over.

Awesome! I always had had a knack for making things dirty - now I just throw a high-five in at the end there. The other day The BFF was saying that her neck was stiff and I said, "You know what else is stiff? High-Five." She really walked right into that one.

when the person in charge walked in to "everything comes down to poo" they weren't impressed....

Dude, I would have been so impressed. I mean, that's dedication to your job right there. 8)

You know what else is impressive? The size of Todd's...yeah. High-Five!


lizibabes February 13 2012, 02:57:51 UTC
Lol I trained as a chef and anytime anything had to be "Beaten until it's stiff" made us all giggle, wish I'd thought to high five it.

Guy love is an awesome Bromance song, 2The only man who's ever been inside of me" Is a high five worthy moment right there lol

I love when the Todd will only make sex jokes to Carla when she takes her ring off..."Have you checked in my pants?"

I'm sure I never noticed the size of The Todd's.....High-five...hands.....big feet...


dodger_sister February 14 2012, 02:58:00 UTC
Beaten until it's stiff"

Oh, oh, The Todd in my head is freaking out over that one!! (what? No, I don't think these people live inside my head - what?).

You trained as a chef? That's awesome!

The musical is the best episode of the whole series. Is it me or did JD/Turk just get gayer and gayer as the show went on? We are in seventh season now and they just had this conversation on yesterday's episode:

Turk: We agreed that's how we would raise our kids.
JD: Our kids? We aren't married.
Turk: We're kind of married.
JD: I know. I love that about us.

I love when the Todd will only make sex jokes to Carla when she takes her ring off

Yeah! I forgot about that. It's awesome. That's my man! High-Five!


wolfrider89 February 8 2012, 22:10:19 UTC
Oh Scrubs, I miss you. I've mostly seen them out of order, too, but I agree that The Todd is pretty awesome. :P


dodger_sister February 13 2012, 02:48:24 UTC
I don't know that I ever watched Scrubs when it was actually on originally - just reruns. It's one of those awesome shows that you can pretty much just come right into the middle of an episode and it is still funny.

I don't know why I am proud of the fact that The Todd is my perfect man, but there it is.

You know what else I'm proud of? The size of Todd's...yeah. High-Five! (that one was kind of lame. Mrs. The Todd is stretching it here).


wolfrider89 February 13 2012, 11:39:10 UTC
Scrubs is awesome like that, yeah. And I love how they can have serious episodes which make you cry, and still laugh. Scrubs rules.

*giggle-snort* High Five!


dodger_sister February 14 2012, 02:59:42 UTC
And I love how they can have serious episodes which make you cry, and still laugh.

Omg, yes, like the episode where Dr. Cox's brother-in-law died. I cried so hard but I kept laughing at various things throughout as well.


denig37 February 9 2012, 00:28:13 UTC

... )


dodger_sister February 13 2012, 02:53:10 UTC

No, really.

I wish there was an audio recording of the noise I made when I saw this in my inbox. Then I made my sister come in and see it and she was all, "I'm happy for you?"

Cuz...cuz...THAT'S MY MAN!! HIGH-FIVE!!

I have this new icon theme called 'that's my man' where I had my previous The Todd icon and I figured I could rotate it with other guys who inspire the phrase "That's my man" - Officer Billy from Death Valley, Johnny Drama from Entourage, etc.

But nope - now that I have this icon, I doubt I will ever rotate. I think this just got permanent status for life.

You know what I could rotate though? The Todd's...yeah. High-Five! (that either made absolutely no sense or was really, really dirty - lol).


denig37 February 13 2012, 07:45:53 UTC
LOL, happy you like it :-D


ranua February 9 2012, 12:01:11 UTC
Oh Scrubs, an island of awesome in a sea of mediocrity. It's one of those shows that if I'm flipping through the channels and come across it I have to stop and watch. The Todd being a highlight of every episode.

Also, your sister and BFF are saints to put up with you channeling The Todd! lol


dodger_sister February 13 2012, 02:58:08 UTC
Scrubs just nails it every time. I mean, how does a show stay so funny for so long?

Sometimes, when we are like ten minutes into an episode and Todd hasn't shown up yet, I get really agitated. Like, tense, waiting for him to appear, wondering what awesome thing he'll say/do this time. I think I may have a problem.

My sister and The BFF have been putting up with my Todd-ness for years - now we just have a name for it. lol Sometimes, when Todd does something extra Todd-like, - before I can even say "That's my man," - The BFF will shake her head and say, "it's stupid how perfect he is for you, really."

Channeling? Todd says I can channel him all night long, baby. High-Five! (ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner!)


ranua February 14 2012, 12:30:59 UTC
Channeling? Todd says I can channel him all night long, baby. High-Five! rotflmao!


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