The Todd Time High-Five!

Feb 07, 2012 23:04

I want to talk about "Scrubs". More specifically, The Todd.

So, over the last several months, my household has been doing a rewatch of Scrubs. This is one of those shows that we have seen the majority of episodes through like all out of order. So now we are watching them in order ( Read more... )

scrubs are my doctors, krycek is the original bamf, photos - the todd, the bff is my bestest best friend, spn love, tv show blahblahblahing, underwear, the todd is my dr of love, videos - tv show clips, dirty old lady, jensen ackles is beautifulness, dream in which..., youtube is an alien-virus, icons are shiny, sister oh sister

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wolfrider89 February 8 2012, 22:10:19 UTC
Oh Scrubs, I miss you. I've mostly seen them out of order, too, but I agree that The Todd is pretty awesome. :P


dodger_sister February 13 2012, 02:48:24 UTC
I don't know that I ever watched Scrubs when it was actually on originally - just reruns. It's one of those awesome shows that you can pretty much just come right into the middle of an episode and it is still funny.

I don't know why I am proud of the fact that The Todd is my perfect man, but there it is.

You know what else I'm proud of? The size of Todd's...yeah. High-Five! (that one was kind of lame. Mrs. The Todd is stretching it here).


wolfrider89 February 13 2012, 11:39:10 UTC
Scrubs is awesome like that, yeah. And I love how they can have serious episodes which make you cry, and still laugh. Scrubs rules.

*giggle-snort* High Five!


dodger_sister February 14 2012, 02:59:42 UTC
And I love how they can have serious episodes which make you cry, and still laugh.

Omg, yes, like the episode where Dr. Cox's brother-in-law died. I cried so hard but I kept laughing at various things throughout as well.


wolfrider89 February 14 2012, 09:07:05 UTC
That is SO sad! I love that ep, but it's SO sad! Maybe I even love that ep because it's sad. I'm a machosist like that. :P


dodger_sister February 14 2012, 23:39:17 UTC
Maybe I even love that ep because it's sad.

Yes! I think that is it - because it's sad.

Dr. Cox breaks so lovely (not as lovely as when Dean breaks but then again, no one breaks like Dean).


wolfrider89 February 15 2012, 21:09:53 UTC
I think it's all the more lovely to watch someone so contrary and strong break. If that makes sense. But yes, I agree, Dean breaks like no one else. Dammit Jensen, why so awesome?


dodger_sister February 16 2012, 01:49:28 UTC
Dean breaks like no one else. Dammit Jensen, why so awesome?

Your icon says it all. So pretty.


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