My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go...

Jun 30, 2011 02:19

Well, they are mostly packed, as in everything is stacked perfectly on my table, awaiting to be stuffed into the suitcase.

CUZ I'M GOING ON VACATION!!! Whoot-whoot, ya'll.

So, I have fic to post and I know I said I would but obviously, I didn't. I actually have tons, tons, TONS of fic to post and I know I haven't since like my birthday more ( Read more... )

dean/cas epic heavenly love, happy-face, vacation - all i ever wanted, real life, lj stuffs, fourth of july - explosions in the sky, stacy and clinton take over the world, sytycd get your groove on, friends 4evah, my girls, dance-geek, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, cats are squishy fun!, tv show blahblahblahing, i apologize to my flist, that's why they call it a workout, chad michael murray is my douchebag

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Comments 23

vikingprincess June 30 2011, 06:43:34 UTC
Safe travels, you! (And I just put up Untouchable Valentine's epilogue, so, you know, if you don't go to bed right away... or I can give you a link when you get back, too.)


dodger_sister July 15 2011, 22:14:35 UTC
Thank you!! I have bookmarked Untouchable Valentine's epilogue! It's at the top of about ten fics that went up in the last few weeks. Now that I am caught up on posts and shit, I may actually have some fic reading time!!!


vikingprincess July 15 2011, 23:04:40 UTC
Sah-weeeet! :P


book_nerd57 June 30 2011, 07:05:20 UTC
One of my best friends is getting married Friday but I can't afford to go :( I hope your friend's wedding is great and I hope you enjoy your trip! :)


dodger_sister July 15 2011, 22:18:54 UTC
Thanks! The wedding was amazing and my friend was so happy I made it - it was totally worth all the time we spent in the car!

One of my best friends is getting married Friday but I can't afford to go

I am so sorry to hear that. Weddings are expensive to go to, if you have to travel. I wouldn't have had the money for this trip, except I broke down and borrowed the last few hundred I needed from my dad. The trip started like two days before my next check came, so I knew I would have the money, just I wouldn't have it in time to leave. Thank goodness for my dad. Otherwise I wouldn't have made it to the wedding and as it turned out, I was the only person who made it that wasn't related to him - so I reprensted the friends side of things for him!


book_nerd57 July 15 2011, 22:33:23 UTC
Well I'm glad you had fun! My friend said she was sad I couldn't make it but she would send pictures and we're making plans to meet sometime next month. Still wish I could have been there considering we've been friends for a good 13 years or so.


jojothecr June 30 2011, 11:21:21 UTC
Enjoy your vacation!!!


dodger_sister July 15 2011, 22:19:41 UTC
Thank you! It was a lot of time in the car, but totally worth it. :)


fragrantwoods June 30 2011, 11:37:30 UTC
Safe travels and have a blast :-)

Your married-to-be bff sounds like a good friend.Nothing like good friends being happy and getting to share.

Plus, babies!


dodger_sister July 15 2011, 22:21:51 UTC
I did have a blast! More than I even expected. My friend is truly a wonderful guy - we have maintained a steady close friendship for almost 15 years now. That's a rare and hard thing to do and not counting family memebers, is the longest running relationship of my life.

Babies rule! (my new nephew has such a serious old-man face, it is adorable!)


denig37 June 30 2011, 13:38:51 UTC
LOL, have fun and bring pics of the happy couple :-D

Hahaha, I love your stories :-D
Just don't let anyothergirl415 hear about you stealing her future husband :-D


dodger_sister July 15 2011, 22:26:04 UTC
I had a blast, bb! I don't have pics of the happy couple, but I do have a stunning photo of the view from our balcony. I am definitely going to revisit Vermont someday! I promise to post the pics soon.

I do think I am funny, lol. Dude, I called accidentally marrying Chad in Vegas a long time before I even knew Brie! I will throw down with her over that man! (anyways, I just want to accidentally marry him and then divorce him and then Brie can have Chad all for herself afterwards!)


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