My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go...

Jun 30, 2011 02:19

Well, they are mostly packed, as in everything is stacked perfectly on my table, awaiting to be stuffed into the suitcase.

CUZ I'M GOING ON VACATION!!! Whoot-whoot, ya'll.

So, I have fic to post and I know I said I would but obviously, I didn't. I actually have tons, tons, TONS of fic to post and I know I haven't since like my birthday more than a month ago - so I promise, July will be the month of fic posting! Swears.

I also have to flail around about "So You Think You Can Dance" because omg - first week I was all running around like a crazy person with excitement and then second week I was all, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT?!" and now I won't get to watch week 3 until like next Wednesday so, omg!!

And I have a funny story to tell you about what would happen if I were ever on "What Not To Wear"...but right now...I'M GOING ON VACATION!!

One of my best friends in forever is getting married! I'm wearing my yellow dress! Then my older brother is driving to meet us because he lives like three hours from there and I get to be the first person in the family to hold my new nephew!! Suck that, everyone else in my family!

My friend, David, and I met when I was 19. He was a senior and his school was right up the street from me, so when he didn't feel like going to class, he would skip out and come to my place for an hour. I would be in bed and I'd let him in and we'd lay in bed and just talk. I used to have this problem with accepting people in my life and that they would stick around, so I would reach a point where I would start to push people away -(abandonment issues, sure) - and I kept doing this with him and one day he flat out said, "You realize no matter what you do, I'm not going anywhere, right?" and after that, we've been special best friends forever. I love him - he is wacky and sweet and smart and when he calls and gets the answering machine, he likes to yell, "PENIS!" and then hang up. It took my sister awhile to get used to.

So he is getting married. They had to go out of state for it, since both where he lives now and our home state don't allow same sex marriages, which means not a lot of people can go to his wedding, so I am super glad I managed to find a way and the money to make it. They've been together for ten years, so they decided not to wait anymore, certainly not for their state to get onboard. I forgot, I wrote him some poetry a long time ago that does not suck and I was going to post some in honor of his wedding. Someone poke me when I get back and I'll put up a piece.

So The BFF is going with me and we will spend countless hours in the car talking about Dean/Cas - (yeah, we live together and we still never get tired of it!!) - and listening to The Road Trip Mixes and all the SPN mixes in the world and maybe we'll come back accidentally married - to each other or maybe I'll run into Chad Michael Murray while I'm there - you never know. It could happen. (I just hope I don't miss my cats too much. I haven't been away from them for this long in years).

I'll be back late on Monday but I probably won't be back to the internet until Wednesday because I have to go to therapy on Tuesday. Kevin is a sadist, though I shouldn't call him that....if he is going to buy me shoes. Here is my therapy story of the week...

Me: You asked me before when my birthday was. I was half asleep but I think the normal response is then to ask you when your birthday is.
Kevin: I thought it was to say, "Why? Do you want to buy me a present?"
Me: I said the normal response. My response is usually, "Why? Do you want to buy me shoes? I like when men buy me shoes."
Kevin: Oh, you like when men buy you shoes?
Me: To be fair, I like when women buy me shoes too.
Kevin: So you just like shoes?
Me: Pretty much.
Kevin: Alright, what size do wear?
Me: 6 1/2.
Kevin: 6 1/2, got it.

Then I go on about how I can't wear heels and I think maybe I'm ready to try little heels because when I wear Mary Janes, they just don't help the fact that I already look super-young and I'm tired of getting hit on by 15 yr olds and creepy guys who think I'm 12. I talked about a bunch of shoes.

Kevin: I know nothing about women's shoes. None of those words you just said mean anything to me.
Me: Oh. Well, I like sneakers too.

Maybe he'll remember this conversation come Christmas. Maybe?

Anyways, I will probably need the therapy, since I will be stiff from sitting in the car for too long, but I would rather sleep the day after I get back, you know?

So I won't be on the internet until Wednesday at the earliest and I am not planning on trying to even catch up on my Flist from while I am gone. I am not going to. Nope. (I probably will.) So if anything major happens in your life, or you post any pretty pics or fics that you think I need to see - poke me when I get back. I'd appreciate it muchly!


Have a good weekend.

dean/cas epic heavenly love, happy-face, vacation - all i ever wanted, real life, lj stuffs, fourth of july - explosions in the sky, stacy and clinton take over the world, sytycd get your groove on, friends 4evah, my girls, dance-geek, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, cats are squishy fun!, tv show blahblahblahing, i apologize to my flist, that's why they call it a workout, chad michael murray is my douchebag

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