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Comments 15

vikingprincess June 19 2011, 14:36:32 UTC
I love hearing about your various family members, and your therapist and his daughter.


dodger_sister June 23 2011, 02:36:12 UTC
Thanks! There always seems to be something going on in my family - we are never dull for sure! My therapist's reactions to realizing his kids are all fangirls amuses me to no end.

I <3 your icon, bb!


vikingprincess June 23 2011, 04:58:28 UTC
*grin* Thanks!


ranua June 21 2011, 11:19:18 UTC
"I thought school was boring but this sucks. I'm so bored." lmao! It's so funny when kids realize school can better than sitting around at home. And it sounds like having him over once a week would be a nice break in routine for both of you. I envy that your family lives close enough together for ya'll to do that. With me in Nebraska and most of my family in Minnesota, I don't get to see them all very often.

Glad to hear Grandpa is doing well, even if it is now apparent that he won't be making it back home. Have they moved into the assisted living place yet or is that off the table now?

I've said it before, PT people are sadists. They go into the field so they can get paid to do mean things to people. *g* That is cool that he introduced you special to his daughter like that. Makes it seem more of a friendly relationship, specially since you've been seeing the same guy for so long now.


dodger_sister June 23 2011, 03:00:25 UTC
The Boy Cousin - I tried to think what I used to do at his age during the summer, to give him some ideas of hobbies. I wrote a lot, played piano, watched soap operas and read. None of those things really interest him. He's more of a sports/video game kid. Plus, I had three siblings and two other families with kids on my street - so there was always someone to run around and play "Star Wars" or "Alien Invasion" or "Wild Wild West" with, you know. I've been thinking maybe he's ready for his first Dungeons and Dragon type game - probably not D&D, but something made for younger kids. They must have something.

Of course, he'd have to come play it at my house with me - cuz I doubt his grandma would play D&D. ;)

Grandpa - Have they moved into the assisted living place yet or is that off the table now?He was in the assisted living place for awhile, but Grandma refused to move in there too. Then he got pneumonia and after he got out of the hospital from that, he went back to the nursing home. They moved him from the rehab clinic ( ( ... )


ranua June 26 2011, 14:21:02 UTC
D&D - I work in a comic/gaming store on the weekends, so I can tell you there's not anything made specifically for younger kids, but lots of parents who game let their kids play in the campaigns as young as 7-8. It's all about adjusting the levels for small attention spans and stuff. I let The Boy buy his first players guide when he was like 10 or something.

Sorry to hear Grandpa had pneumonia, that had to have been nerve wracking. And Grandma being so stubborn. *sighs* you know we'll all be just as bad as we get up there in age. But it is good to hear he's still up to visitors and reading his paper and stuff.

PT- lol, it always throws me for a loop when I re-met people I met as small kids. It's like 'how the hell did you get older, I didn't!'


dodger_sister June 27 2011, 20:16:53 UTC
I've been thinking maybe The Boy Cousin is ready for RISK. We have a version that you don't have to play until World Domination - that you just play a certain number of rounds before you end it, so it would be closer to a hour and half game. And with just two of us, it wouldn't be long waits in between turns. Maybe we'll try that when I get back from vacation. It's been so long since I played D&D, I don't think I have any of the stuff anymore. I'm going to have to invest in some new things if I want to introduce him to that.

Grandpa and The BFF did a crossword puzzle together the other day - it was the most involved and engaged and alert that I have seen him in months!

Dude, it throws me for a loop when I don't see The Nephew for 6 weeks and he grows another inch on me - imagine my shock to se my PT's kid who was still in diapers the last time I saw her, now all grown up with boobs and a driver's lisence!


denig37 June 21 2011, 23:26:25 UTC
I totally love your stories from the therapy :-D...That guy seems awesome! I love him :-D...And his daughter too for that reaction :-D

Aaaaand your cousin is cool :-D


dodger_sister June 23 2011, 03:07:02 UTC
I always want to share my therapy stories with my Flist, because I'm always struggling at my sessions not to just curse/be perverted/talk about fandom squee all the time. And then I end up doing one of those things and my physical therapist's reactions are always hysterical. I figure I'm just getting him ready for when all of his teenage girls reach that point of no return on their own clear and present Fangirl tendencies. As in evidenced by his daughter's reaction to John Winchester. lol

The Boy Cousin is really the coolest kid ever - but I attribute that to the fact that I was his one solid babysitter for the first 5 years of his life, so clearly I shaped him well!! ;)


denig37 June 23 2011, 16:28:16 UTC
Oh, JDM is the reason daddy!kink exists :-D

Hahaha, you subconsciously shaped him Winchester style! :-D Good job :-D


dodger_sister June 24 2011, 04:59:55 UTC
JDM is the reason daddy-kink exists! By the time I was the same age as my therapist's daughter, I was already TWO years into my A.D. Walter Skinner-obsession. (did you ever watch the X-Files?) Skinner is the reason I have a daddy-kink, for damn sure. Of course, I didn't talk about Skinner in front of my own father, so I can understand the poor girl's embarassment. lol

The Boy Cousin is a Winchester! He had his hair long back when he was about 8 and if you asked him why he grew his hair out, he would tell you that he wanted to be like Sam Winchester! Now I think he just grew his hair out this time because he is a drummer and wants to be a cool rocker-dude.


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