Things. (I'm sucking you in with this thrilling subject line).

Jun 18, 2011 23:52

What have I been up to the last few days? Well, I already talked about my sister's birthday on Wednesday. So, Thursday...

I had physical therapy, so I woke up early enough that we could watch some "So You Think You Can Dance" before I had to go. Except, after I got showered and dressed - the doorbell rang. It was The Boy Cousin - (my cousin's kid who is 11). He was at his grandma's around the corner and decided to ride his bike over and "have a visit". I ate breakfast while we caught up with each other. I asked how his summer was going and he said that it was boring. "I thought school was boring but this sucks. I'm so bored." I think maybe I am going to have him over one afternoon a week this summer, just to break up his routine.

After I ate, I still had time to kill, so we played some cards. He wanted to gamble but he also wanted to play "War", which isn't really a gambling game. Maybe next time we'll gamble. He said he has started taking drum lessons. I told him drums were the coolest and he said, "I know, that's how you get all the hot ladies." I said, "Damn straight, you do." I'm probably a bad influence. It's weird to be having like grown-up conversations with him - like, when did he get all grown-up? Also, apparently, everyone is giving him shit because his hair is down to his shoulders almost, but I say if he keeps it clean - (and he does) - then leave the kid alone. It's awesome that he is finding his identity like that.

Then The BFF and I went to see my grandpa at the nursing home and my uncle was there. We used to see my uncle more, because he lives right down the road from The Farm, but now that Grandpa is in the nursing home, we never go out there. So that was nice to see him too. And Grandpa was having a really good day too. It's clear now that he will never go home, but he is alert and awake and even contributing to conversations occasionally and always has a smile when he gets a visitor - so we count those as good days.

Then I went to therapy. Kevin, my physical therapist, is still a sadist, but I can finally feel it starting to help. Plus, I've been using the machines and I can't wait to get some muscle back in my arms.

He's been having me do this obnoxious thing where I sit on this giant ball and he gets behind me and tries to push me off. The goal is for me to use my thigh muscles to stay balanced. Keep in mind that there was a time (ages 13-19) when every other word I directed at him was a curse word - (I was a miserable little punk-ass, after all). So, he is pushing me and I'm moving, which I shouldn't be and we have this conversation...

K: Come on, baby, you're not even trying.
Me: Jesus Christ, Kevin, mothe...ugnfggggh <--which is the noise I made as I tried not to curse because I was suddenly aware that there were other patients in the room.

What do I get for attempting to use my filter? Kevin mad-chuckling behind me like a loon. It generally goes like that, "Stop moving." - "Stop pushing me then, you ass...ughafu!" and then Kevin laughing. Apparently, he now finds enjoyment in grown-up-me trying to filter myself.

Also, his 16 year old daughter is working there now - one of the ones that watched the SPN dvds I loaned Kevin and she got totally addicted to it. So he introduces us. Bold move, when he knows the things that come out of my mouth. I was actually a little flattered by it though. He specifically called her over to introduce us and watch us squee about SPN together. We get on about John Winchester and she is going on about how angsty John's death was and I said, "Plus, too bad, cuz John Winchester is a hottie."

And she says, "Oh, yeah," and then she suddenly jerks back and blushes, because she just realized her father was still standing there. Kevin was just looking at her with one eyebrow raised. It was lolarious. I thought maybe we should end that conversation and she decided maybe she should get back to work.

I did things yesterday and today as well, but I'm hungry now, so...That is all.

punk-rock-girl, sytycd get your groove on, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, spn love, that's why they call it a workout, john winchester can be my daddy, my grandparents - my heroes, real life, do you like waffles, drummers get all the hot ladies, boy cousin

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