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Comments 26

ranua February 23 2011, 11:41:57 UTC
Aside from the weather, it sounds like a perfect weekend. Your Nephew has got to be the best Nephew ever. :)

Is How to Train Your Dragon really good then? With The Boy being older we don't see that sort of movie much anymore and I miss the animated kid stuff. Is it worth it to find it cheep on dvd or netflix it?


dodger_sister February 24 2011, 08:14:29 UTC
Well, the thing with The Nephew is that we get him like once every six weeks for about 24 hours. So we kind of spoil him and play with him and do whatever he wants. By Day Three of him being snowed in here, we were like, "Buddy, we just need a half hour to check our emails. Can you play by yourself for just a little bit ( ... )


ranua February 24 2011, 11:44:36 UTC
The Boy does still enjoy the odd animated feature, tho I'm not sure if it's only ones he's seen before, (he can re-watch a movie till the dvd wears out I swear to all the gods). I know he liked the How To Train Your Dragon books back in elementary? school.

Sounds like someone is doing a good job raising The Nephew if he was still fun to be with by day three. At least you weren't stuck with that cliche whiney, crying kid.


dodger_sister February 24 2011, 23:54:35 UTC
If The Boy read the books as a kid, then I would say you should def rent How to Train Your Dragon.

The Nephew is neither whiny nor crying. He is however very, very stubborn. And he has a listening problem...in that he doesn't listen. Like we were doing a puzzle and he decided he was done and started taking it apart. I said that I was still doing it and he started throwing a fit. He didn't want to do the puzzle anymore - how dare I keep doing it without him! lol I just let him throw his fit and kept doing the puzzle and eventually he rejoined me.

But honestly, I prefer that to like crying fits. Had one of those screaming tantrum kids at the daycare I worked at in high school - kills the eardrums. ;)


matchboximpala February 25 2011, 01:34:08 UTC
I loved this. I was never great at playing with my nieces because I'm one of those adults whose imagination seems to have shriveled up with time. Not surprising, that's why I have a hard time imagining writing fic.

What nightmare weather! I hope you and the sis and snug and warm and the nephew made it safely home.


dodger_sister February 25 2011, 21:42:21 UTC
I started working at a child care when I was in the eigth grade and I had that career for ten years. So my imagination never got a chance to shrivel up. For some reason, I was always in with the preschool/toddler age kids and if you don't have an imagination in there - you will be eaten alive!

The weather cleared up slightly and then got worse and then cleared up again. The Nephew made it back to his parents but it was several more days before they got back to their house because of the power outtage. Schools were shut down for three days (some of the outlying schools for four days) this week. It's madness. I think - /looks around shifty eyed/ - that it is finally settled down now.


But we are all safe and warm, so that is good. :)


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