Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow (hey, that's today!)

Feb 21, 2011 03:04

Bonus Points if you get my subject line.

One week ago it was 17 degrees below zero out.
Then it was suddenly 25 degrees out.
Then, holy shit, Friday and Saturday, it was 50 degrees outside, you guys. FIFTY!

Today, we dropped back down to 25 degrees. They said we could expect about three inches of snow over the course of the afternoon and nighttime.

We got three inches in less than three hours. We've got almost three more since then and can expect another three before tomorrow morning is over.

On top of which, the slush that we had leftover from our bizarre warm spell has now frozen all up - and it started sleeting. And sleeting. And sleeting. For about three hours straight. I have the TV on and am on the other side of the room from the window and I could hear it all night long, tapping against the window.

The Nephew spent the night Saturday (yay that!) and wanted to play outside but it was too windy. So after church this morning, he went and played on the playground. Then he went and had lunch with my grandpa and within that one hour from when he was running around on the playground until he finished lunch, it started snowing.

And by the time my sister drove them back across town to our house, it was snowing so hard we realized that we would never get him home. (The Nephew lives about an hour away).

So, guess who is asleep in the living room right now?

Thankfully my sister has tomorrow off, so she will take him home in the morning...but seriously? What the hell, Weather?

The Nephew woke me up to tell me it was "snowing like crazy outside" and I was like, "Okay, buddy" and got up and holy shit...the kid was right.

In other news, we got him a play-tent and a sleeping bag and a flashlight set (Buzz Lightyear) for Christmas and we thought it would be fun. I had no idea it would be practical as well, because he sleeps in it on the living room floor (with the couch cushions under him) and it blocks out the sound enough that I can have the TV on in my room or go out into the kitchen and make food and he never wakes up (which is good because if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he is convinced it is morning and wants to get up).

Also, he picked out our movie for Movie Night (he took a shopping trip to our favorite store, "Target", because our appropriate movies for four year olds is sorely lacking) and he picked How To Train Your Dragon.

THIS MOVIE IS MADE OF WIN! Craig Ferguson is hysterical as one of the voices. The plot is great (animal lovers unite!). We had a big talk about how people should try to get to know each other instead of fighting and they might find that they can be friends. The animation is awesome. Astrid has kick-ass clothes and is made of awesome! (yes, shut up, everything about this movie was awesome). During the big climactic scene, The Nephew starts yelling out the names of the Hero and his Dragon in like slow motion voice, "Nooooooo, Hiiiiiicup. Toooothleeeeeeeesssssss. Nooooooo."

He also rambled in my ear a lot about whether or not he would rather ride to school on a dragon or on Appa from Avatar - and then did a lot of , "Remember when Aang and Sokka did this and remember when Sokka..." I was like, "Dude. I'm glad you are into Avatar now, but I've never seen this movie and I'm trying to watch it. I want to find out what happens to Toothless."

"Oh," he says, and starts to tell me how the movie ends.

Also, he didn't want to call his mother and tell her goodnight, but he did want to call my BFF and wish her good luck on the Bar Exam. He thought a school test that lasts two days sounds like madness.

And we played X-Men action figures and because we didn't have a Professor Xavier (I know, I am lame) we had to have a vote to see who was in charge. Cyclops won but only because we have two Wolverines and they both voted for their BFF Cyclops. It was a close call. The Nephew got upset because he wanted Sabertooth to win and I explained to him that this is what we call a democracy. Then Cyclops got mad because no one would do their homework.

This was my weekend. It was pretty good, if not exhausting. Hopefully tomorrow there will be enough time after taking The Nephew home for me to go get my new glasses, so I can better see the TV and thus kick my sister's butt at video games.

Provided we can get out of our house in the morning and that there aren't wolves escaped from the zoo and floods and Jake Gyllenhaal on our doorstep (I would be okay with that though, honestly).

In the amount of time it took me to spell-check this, the sleet has started up again and is shaking the windows (part of that is the wind but still, it's like tiny little gnomes are using their Parker-esque thieving tools to tap their way into our house. Gnomes scare me).

weather or not, the nephew, fan-kids, the bff is my bestest best friend, movie blahblahblahing, avatar not the one with blue people, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes, real life, dragons are badass, sister oh sister

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