Updates and Stuffs.

Feb 22, 2011 17:09

Well, The Nephew didn't make it home yesterday, again. We ended up only getting about 5 inches or so, but there was a inch of ice on top of that.

His mother called to say not to bring him, because they live way out in the country. Her car was so caked in ice, she couldn't get it out of the driveway. A tree came down in their yard. And they lost power. Which means heat too. So she drove what should have been twenty minutes to a friend's house, but it took her over an hour.

So The Nephew stayed here for the day - (Day Three for those of you who are counting). My sister took him the five blocks to Target because he didn't have any clean clothes to wear (he outgrew all the ones in his drawer in my dresser, it seems). Then at 5:30 he went across town to my mom's house for the night.

Apparently he was a little nervous about spending the night there, but was reassured that my mom sounds like my sister. After laying in the living room in the dark, he calls out -
Nephew: Grandma?
My Mom: Yes?
N: I forgot what your voice sounds like.
MM: Do you remember now?
N: Yes. You sound like Aunt J. <--that's my sister.
MM: Is that a good thing?
N: Oh, yes.

He is home now - (well, he is with his mom at her friend's house because they still don't have power at their house.)

Before he left, we played more X-Men action figures. Sabertooth was throwing everyone around and Cyclops was yelling at him to stop, that they were all suppose to be fighting the aliens together. Sabertooth (being played by The Nephew) declared that he couldn't stop himself because the aliens put a bug inside him that was controlling his actions. I don't know where The Nephew came up with this idea but every good genre show always has a least one episode of having their actions controlled by a bug of some kind. I was impressed. Now as long as he doesn't start using this as an excuse when he gets in trouble. ;)

In other news - I got rid of the Trojan on my computer. I don't know how. I unhooked my sister's external harddrive that I was trying to download music from. Then I left it and at some point my anti-virus did its usual run through. On a whim, I tried to delete the file that the trojan had attached itself too - even though before it kept telling me that it was in use and couldn't be deleted. And suddenly it deleted it. I cleaned-up, defrag-ed and ran the virus scan and everything was good. So either the external harddrive was what was using the file and blocking it from being deleted or my anti-virus program figured out how to get rid of it - (when I checked the website they said it was a new trojan and that they were working on a solution and would update as soon as they had one).


The teddy bear that The BFF bought the cats for Valentine's Day has been dragged around the living room and now they have stuffed it under The BFF's chair in the living room, in case she needs a snack later.

In TV News -

Who saw H50 last night? HOMG, YOU GUYS! Steve went to Danny's family dinner and met his brother and I can't describe it the way it deserves to be described that totally explains how DANNY TOOK STEVE TO MEET HIS FAMILY!!!

And on Glee - OMG PUCK/LAUREN! Everyone has been all, "When will we get Kurt/Blaine?" and I have been all, "Who cares? When will we get Puck/Lauren?" and then WE DID! (Okay, I'd go for Kurt/Blaine too). If you had told me there would be a pairing that I wanted more than Puck/Rachel, I would have laughed at you. And what is with me and Glee and het pairings? I mean, it's ridiculous. I am actually torn between which het pairing I want. What's up with that and who am I? Also, I never said it back when, but I am so happy to see Puck and Finn back together again. Boys need boys in their lives. Their fist-bump made me so incredibly happy. Now I want fic about Artie, Finn and Puck all hanging out at Finn's house and being boys. Why do I keep wanting gen Glee fic? Once again, who am I?

Also, I CAN'T WAIT FOR TONIGHT'S EPISODE!! I mean, they are having a SLEEPOVER!! HOMG! It's like stolen from fanfic - but what is Glee if not one big giant fanfic with fanmix soundtrack included?

I AM SO EXCITE FOR TONIGHT'S GLEE, YOU PEOPLES!! It's been awhile since I've been so excited over Glee.

Okay, I think that is all for now.

Wait - today The BFF is taking the first half of her Bar Exam - (the second half will be tomorrow). I wanted to write her some Dean/Cas as a reward, but my shoulder has been bothering me so much lately - (it is better than it was a week ago, but I don't want to push my luck) - so instead I thought I would post some older stuff I wrote for her, you know like in her honor, since she will be too busy to actually read LJ for like a week anyway - (sadly after her exam is done, she has massive family things to do, instead of what she should be doing, which is SLEEPING).

So, fic later? Okay then.

That is all.

weather or not, the nephew, glee is love!, fan-kids, the bff is my bestest best friend, tv show blahblahblahing, cats are squishy fun!, puck my baby-daddy, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes, stevedanny are for real, real life, hawaii five-o is pretty

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