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Comments 6

ranua January 15 2011, 01:08:00 UTC
That was freaking hilarious! I don't even know who Johnny Drama and Entourage are and I was giggling through the whole thing.


dodger_sister January 20 2011, 04:31:40 UTC
Haha - that is awesome to hear! Thank you for taking the time to read it, even though you don't know the show "Entourage" - (which you should, it's sense of humor is totally up your alley and the boys are adorable being boys together.) I am so glad you found it funny and I'm very interested to know that the characters came across so well for someone who doesn't watch the show. (I also really like writing Jensen like this too.) Thanks!


liptonrm January 15 2011, 16:20:31 UTC
I cannot contain my NEVERENDING GLEE over how UTTERLY and INSANELY AWESOME this story is!!!!

Seriously, I am in love with all of it, and I can't stop re-reading it. And I think that it should totally be an actual episode of Entourage because holy shit would that be awesome to see on my television screen.

You are the BESTEST BFF WHO EVER BFF'D! And now I totally have to write that Bobby-Rufus story, just for you.


dodger_sister January 20 2011, 04:35:57 UTC
THANK YOU!! I AM GLAD TO GIVE YOU NEVERENDING GLEE!!! I had the mostest fun ever writing this too, as you well know, and even though the research was tireless (having to rewatch those old episodes of Entourage) I totally slave for you, because you are worth it.

Last night AJ Buckley was on my Entourage episode of the night - and it was like so close to having Jensen there, but not quite.

And Johnny is still my boyfriend forever.

Yes, now Rufus-Bobby, please and thank you.

PS: Turtle could totally score Valarie, he could!


pr_scatterbrain March 25 2011, 06:21:14 UTC
This was utterly hilarious! I had so much fun reading it.


dodger_sister March 27 2011, 05:23:58 UTC
Thank you! This made me so happy. I had a ton of fun writing this - so I am so glad to hear you enjoyed reading it. <3 <3


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