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Comments 24

blue_fjords November 19 2010, 12:02:52 UTC
This post makes me ridiculously happy! I go see it Saturday afternoon and I can't wait, yay!!!!!


dodger_sister November 22 2010, 03:49:33 UTC
OMG! Wasn't it awesome? I should go check your LJ and see if you have posted thoughts yet. Honestly, I felt it stood the test of a good book adaptation and as a movie in its own right. But it was 2am, so I may have been too tired to tell for sure. That's why I feel another viewing is in order. :)


menel November 19 2010, 12:17:51 UTC
I had no idea that you were such a massive Harry Potter fan. I mean, I knew that you were a fan, had written fic and told me about your George love (huh, maybe I really should've known) but just . . . not . . . this . . . big. *shakes head*

Anyway, I'm really here to let you know that I'm done with your most excellent Dean/Cas story, but I've somehow gotten bogged down with preparing for tomorrow's Saturday morning class. (Because apparently I'm a freaking adult now and actually have to teach on Saturday mornings! Aargh! *deep breath*)

But next time you hear from me, it'll be because I'll have sent your fic back. Can't wait til you post it!

And Ryan Reynolds! Love him! He is perfect for the Green Lantern (even though the early artwork did look kinda crappy - hey, it was "early artwork" after all). Very psyched to see this trailer.

/fist bump/


dodger_sister November 22 2010, 04:03:20 UTC
Well, you know, I was never in the HP fandom, but when do I not enjoy something shiny and bright? And HP is def shiny and bright. Also, really, it was a good good movie. And I was out at like 2am on a Thursday with a whole bunch of people...and my wizard boyfriend is a hottie. <--apparently I already told you how much I love him - because I totally love him ( ... )


wolfrider89 November 19 2010, 13:17:45 UTC
WHAT YOU SAID! On just about everything above! (kudos on keeping it spoiler free and still squeey, btw:D)

I saw it this Wednesday, and wow, was I bouncy afterward. I loved how the twins got a moment to just show how much they care about each other. Brother love ftw!

I'm not sure I could keep any more squeeing on my part spoiler free, so I'm gonna stop now. Let me just say this: BEST HP MOVIE EVER! SO MUCH LOVE!


dodger_sister November 22 2010, 04:14:15 UTC
WHAT YOU SAID! On just about everything above! (kudos on keeping it spoiler free and still squeey, btw:D)

I'm Johnny Cash - I walk the line, baby! On spoilers, that is. ;)

I saw it this Wednesday

I knew you had seen it early, because you were wanting to squee on like Thursday morning at me and I was like, "what, how has she seen it already?"

I loved how the twins got a moment to just show how much they care about each other. Brother love ftw!

The Fred & George relationship is one of my favs in the books, even though they are minor characters, the little bit we see between them is so strong. I was waiting for the panicked moment when Fred gets back to The Burrows and finds George, and I was holding my breath, hoping they didn't gloss over it - and they didn't! It was perfect!!

BEST HP MOVIE EVER! SO MUCH LOVE!I totally, totally agree. Oddly, the book I liked the most - Goblet of Fire - was the worst movie. Book 7 was probably my second fav book and I am so glad the movie is going above and beyond my expectations! I am ( ... )


wolfrider89 November 22 2010, 10:33:39 UTC
You're totally Johnny Cash! :)

what, how has she seen it already?
When was the world premiere? Because I thought it was the 17:th, but it says different things everywhere. :P

It was perfect!!
It was! I loved it so much!

*shudder* Yeah, the Goblet of Fire movie really sucked, it was so rushed and didn't have any Sirius and lacked in a lot of departments. I my opinion, the movies have gotten better and better, but then again, I haven't seen the first one in forever. Maybe it's better than I remember? Probably not, though. :P

I love that they had so much more time to really tell the story what with splitting it in two and all. Actually a very good move.

I am torn between "Is it July yet?" and hoping it will never end.
*nod nod* Yes! Exactly! *hugs HP tight* I'm going to miss it so much when it's finished.

Narnia! And the Hobbit! Yay!


dodger_sister November 23 2010, 09:23:31 UTC
I thought the second movie was the worst of all, but I didn't much care for the second book, so I wasn't all disappointed. Whereas the fourth book was my fav and then the movie was so god awful, that my heart was all broken.

The first movie was cute and fun, but it was for kids, as was the book. It was almost word for word the book too. I actually saw the first movie on a whim, cuz my cousins were all going and I was like, "sure I'll go whatever, popcorn", even though I had never read the books - and then I thought it was cute, so I read the book and was shocked at how almost exactly the same it was. Then I kept reading the books and then the movies kind of sucked, at least by comparison. The third was a great movie but seemed very different from the book.

This one blew me away! They were incredibly smart to split it into two movies, I agree.



rhymephile November 20 2010, 00:06:02 UTC
If not for my terrifying fear of a possible bedbug infestation due to them crawling around theater seats (which happens! Here in NY!) I would go see this too.

I'm most interested in how they filmed the scenes in the book during which I was sort of bored, which was pretty much all the scenes in the forest in the beginning. Tents, trees, blah blah blah.

Draco is my homeboy, but his daddy is my favorite out of everybody. More Lucius!


dodger_sister November 22 2010, 04:29:00 UTC
Okay, I am so sorry the bedbugs thing has not cleared up for you guys in NY. Seriously. It hit Detroit pretty hard and some people in my little town have it - Little Girl Cousin got some nasty sores on her head from bedbugs this summer - but in general, we have been pretty lucky here. It is not right that it is stopping you from seeing this movie ( ... )


rhymephile November 29 2010, 03:34:26 UTC
I am super late in getting back to this, but I wanted to find just the right texture to use to create a Lucius icon. Behold the one I used to post this!


dodger_sister December 2 2010, 00:39:43 UTC
Dude! The coloring is amazing!! Is it wrong that I both want to shag this man and brush his hair? Look at the look on his face. MMMMMmmmm. So, I'm just going to steal this, unless you have an objection - k? Great.


ranua November 20 2010, 01:33:05 UTC
So, is it safe to say it was a good movie? lol The Boy is seeing it as I type this, but I've got no idea when the hell I'm going to manage to see it. Seriously looking forward to it though


dodger_sister November 22 2010, 04:34:16 UTC
I had a really good time. It was def the best of the HP movies and they did a great job translating it to the big screen. On top of which, I got to go out with someone I don't see enough of these days and a few new people and we were out late and with a good movie crowd and it was awesome. Did The Boy enjoy it? Was he going with friends from school? You def should get to see this movie asap. It was great. But be prepared, 2 1/2 hours long, so...

Also, lots of comic book previews and Cowboys & Aliens before the movie started. And, you know, NARNIA! Oh no, I won't stop shouting about it, even when it hits the theaters. It's NARNIA!!


ranua November 22 2010, 11:46:32 UTC
He did like it, a big bunch of them from school went. So you know, dangerous crowd of teen-agers! lol

Looks like I'm going wednesday night to see it. It all depends on if one of the brothers can make it wednesday or not. Also, I love movie previews. I'd say they're my favorite part of the theater experience.


dodger_sister November 23 2010, 05:29:47 UTC
He did like it, a big bunch of them from school went. So you know, dangerous crowd of teen-agers.

The one time I was late to pick my brother up from the movies (when he was about 14), someone at the theater called the cops because he and his friends were hanging out behind the building. You know what they were doing? Chatting up chicks. When I got there and saw the cops, I was like, "Honestly officer, picking up chicks is like the best thing he could have been doing back here. If everyone had their pants on, I'm gonna call it a win. Everybody get in the car."

I get pissed if I miss the previews - how else will I know what to go spend my money on next? lol Wait until you see the trailer for Cowboys And Aliens - it looks so stupid that I am actually excited.


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