Guess Where I Just Was?

Nov 19, 2010 04:32


Oh yeah. Forgive me typos, as it is mother fucking late and it was awesome!!!

No Spoilers here...but just let me say that my wizard boyfriend, George, is a bad-ass mother fucker and I love him. Shut up, people who are telling me he was only in the movie for ten minutes. I love him. As does his brother, Fred.

Sadly, my wizard bestest best friend, Charlie, has still never been seen, or even mentioned for that matter.

It was beautiful and wonderful and awesome. It was very well shot and photographed. There is a scene in the graveyard that was so beautiful that it had me crying and with little goosebumpy chills from both the beauty of the way the scene looked, and the emotion those kids were able to express. (Btw, hasn't Emma grown up to be beautiful?)

There were a few scenes that I distinctly remember from the books that were missing, but they were not plot pieces. They were just scenes I remember liking, but other than that, I have no complaints.

They did a great job showing the way the world had changed since Voldermort rose. The very, very first scene was terrifying and I wanted to huggle Snape and Draco, it was quite awful to watch.

I had forgotten one major thing that happened, somehow, and right before it did, I was like, "Oh no," because I remembered and then I cried. I had forgotten that all I did while reading the seventh book was cry.

It was great. The movie crowd was really good too, but there was no loud clapping when it ended. Probably because of the note it ended on.

I had fun.

I have more to say on Harry Potter in general, but I have to go to bed now.

In Sum: Dudes! They showed a trailer for Green Lantern! Ryan Reynolds, bitches! He must be so psyched, he is such a stupid GL fanboy and he has been lobbying for that part for years and he looks so mother fucking bad ass.

Yes, I do swear like a drunkard when I am excited and tired, thank you.


harry potter and friends, fred & george love each other, movie blahblahblahing, sleep now, george is my wizard boyfriend, acockalypse

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