Thank You All.

Dec 03, 2017 17:43

Hey all! I just wanted to drop in and let you know that I am doing okay. I appreciate - more than you can know - all the emails, texts, messages & comments you guys sent me after Mom passed. There was a point, about three days after she died, where sympathy cards had started arriving and you guys were sending me messages and the FB post about ( Read more... )

emotional waxing, real life, friends 4evah, family circus, blame canada, furry family, sister oh sister

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Comments 6

shirebound December 3 2017, 23:42:02 UTC
never-ending ‘do things for Mom’ that hangs over us.

I understand completely. I moved my mom in with me three years ago, and the transition from daughter to caregiver is speeding up faster than I like to admit. I'm wrapping you and Sis in gentle arms and loving heart.

Filling that spot "with the best of memories" is utterly lovely. I hope you can do it, and I hope I can also when the times comes.


dodger_sister January 4 2018, 22:26:44 UTC
I understand completely. I moved my mom in with me three years ago, and the transition from daughter to caregiver is speeding up faster than I like to admit. I'm wrapping you and Sis in gentle arms and loving heart.

Thank you. It's hard, isn't it? She's your mom but you often have to be the one to drop the hammer, tell her what she needs to do, do all the caregiving that a mother would do for a child. It's such a reverse. We walked a fine line between caring for her and overstepping our boundaries as her kids. And now, I just don't want people to hear me bitching about all the hassle wrapping up her estate is and think I'm being terrible, like she'd dead and I'm bitching about her. But it's not her, it's society's demands after someone has died!

Filling that spot "with the best of memories" is utterly lovely. I hope you can do it, and I hope I can also when the times comes.There will always be a sadness for sure, but I'll aim for a bittersweet sadness, I think. I do carry around a lot of baggage from growing up with two ( ... )


lindahoyland December 4 2017, 03:05:49 UTC
Big hugs.


dodger_sister January 4 2018, 22:27:54 UTC
/hugs back/ Thank you. <3


bugeyedmonster January 12 2018, 05:34:09 UTC
Hugs ( ... )


dodger_sister January 13 2018, 22:45:41 UTC
There's apparently stuff you can do before that death point to make things easier too! Like my mom's mother, and my dad's stepfather both had lawyers, and had the lawyer 'prep' things, so when they died, all we needed was the copy of the death certificate (which the lawyer provided) to pass around.Yes, we did that about 5 years ago. Sis & I were doing it for me, so that I could get her life insurance, through a trust my little brother would manage, if Sis were to die, without it affecting my government healthcare benefits. And so she would be assured I was taken care of for a while, until I could figure out what to do financially without her ( ... )


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