Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2017 21:35

So I gave my sister very explicit instructions on what candy & how much to buy this year for Halloween. She never buys enough, but The BFF always comes through with backups, but since The BFF wasn't coming down this year, I was nervous. Sis did excellent on the type of candy tho! She didn't quite buy enough, had we had our usual turnout, but ( Read more... )

witches cackle, weather or not, costumes are creative, halloween is my fav holiday, photos - my life, the bff is my bestest best friend, blame canada, furry family, photos - pets, real life, dragons are badass, spiderman is my comic book boyfriend, do you like waffles, sister oh sister

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Comments 7

lindahoyland November 1 2017, 05:30:27 UTC
Glad you had a good Halloween. I gave 2 mini packs of sweets to each child.


dodger_sister December 30 2017, 23:24:57 UTC
Glad you had a good Halloween. I gave 2 mini packs of sweets to each child.

See, that makes you a Cool House! The only way it could be better is if you gave out a full-sized candy bar instead of the minis! ;)


shirebound November 1 2017, 13:00:25 UTC
*grins* Winston is such a sweetheart. I was amazed at how good Pippin was last night, not a single bark. And several little kids asked to pet her. Next year I *must* dress her in some kind of costume. You all look so great!


bugeyedmonster November 3 2017, 03:12:29 UTC
I follow a writer, M Dolon Hickmon on FB. He posted pictures of his daughter and her dog's Halloween costumes. She was a police officer, and the dog was her 'prisoner'.


dodger_sister December 30 2017, 23:27:21 UTC
*grins* Winston is such a sweetheart.

I couldn't believe him though! I had the front door open to hand the pretty little princesses their candy and he just waked right out the door and followed them down the sidewalk!!

Next year I *must* dress her in some kind of costume. You all look so great!


bugeyedmonster November 3 2017, 03:10:49 UTC
Also glad to hear y'all had a great Halloween. I went to bed early, so Dad did the candy giving. No one rang the doorbell, not sure why. The kids all rattled the door instead. Later we had a strange gray cat rattle the door, and dad put out cat food. LOL.


dodger_sister December 30 2017, 23:29:25 UTC
Also glad to hear y'all had a great Halloween. I went to bed early, so Dad did the candy giving. No one rang the doorbell, not sure why. The kids all rattled the door instead. Later we had a strange gray cat rattle the door, and dad put out cat food. LOL.

Yeah, people don't hardly ring our doorbell either. Like all year around. I feel like putting out a sign that says, "I can't hear you when you knock, ring the damn doorbell!" lol Awww, the cat wanted some 'candy' too!


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