Even The Smallest Person...

Nov 10, 2016 18:04

Well, I showed up to PT yesterday and had two employees say they were surprised to see me, they thought I’d be in Canada by now. And then ask if I was okay. Like I NEVER talk politics there, a public setting, because you never know who will bring the wrath. But these people just know me well enough by now to know I am gutted. And that, at least ( Read more... )

burn the world, social issues, sick n tired, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, real life, emotional waxing, politickin, hope is a 4 letter word too, sister oh sister

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Comments 21

shirebound November 10 2016, 23:48:50 UTC
let us bond together and protect each other and amplify the voices of the marginalized and stand for those who can’t. And fight. We will take our country back with love, not hate. Let’s form a really big fellowship and throw the goddamn ring in the fire!

Yes we can.


dodger_sister November 30 2016, 00:27:25 UTC
I really do intend to get involved more in politics after this. I'm going to phonebank for any Democrats that are up for election in my area in the next two years and phonebank in the next presidential election. I can't do it for very long, maybe just two hours at the most, but I will do what I can As for now, there's a bunch of stuff I've seen about how to get in touch with your representatives, senators etc. to voice your concerns about Trump's appointees that he is making and how to show your support for Obamacare and who to call. I I'm tend to do those things and I really should post some of them here on livejournal in case anyone here is trying to figure out a way to help, but doesn't know what to do.

Because I really am ready to throw this ring in the fire of Mount Doom.
(autocorrect tried to change Mount Doom to Mountain Dew...apparently I want to throw the ring of power in Mountain Dew. Lol)


bugeyedmonster November 11 2016, 00:08:20 UTC
Awww man. I hope no one's health care gets cut. (If mine gets cut, I have no idea how I will afford my asthma inhaler either.)

Hugs. And I hope you will be okay.

(PS I did NOT vote for that orange cheeto.)


dodger_sister November 30 2016, 00:36:45 UTC
Awww man. I hope no one's health care gets cut. (If mine gets cut, I have no idea how I will afford my asthma inhaler either.) I think those four million, or however many million of people, who finally, finally got decent affordable (or often free) health coverage under Obamacare are the ones who are about to lose out. Those of us who had it before the extension are probably safe, for the moment. Though prescription insurance may be another issue. But my BFF finally was able, after ten years of no coverage, to get proper care for her fibro and she is doing so, so well and it makes me so happy to see her health being managed - but she got her coverage through Obamacare and I worry that she, and millions of other chronically ill people that don't qualify any other way bc of strict guidelines/rulings, are about to go back to choosing between seeing a doctor and paying their rent. Rent always wins, doesn't it ( ... )


Hugs bugeyedmonster November 30 2016, 02:43:28 UTC
We're hanging in there....


vikingprincess November 11 2016, 00:14:48 UTC
You're such a badass.


dodger_sister November 30 2016, 00:39:28 UTC
ou're such a badass

I am serious, people! If Trump leads to my death, you better hope you voted for Clinton or you can stand outside my funeral home in the freezing Michigan cold and cry! <3


ceitfianna November 11 2016, 05:09:17 UTC
You're amazing as is your sister.


dodger_sister November 30 2016, 00:42:40 UTC
You're amazing as is your sister.

Well I highly doubt that I'll be one of the people that loses insurance under Trump, but my point is the same - people may lose their lives because of Trump and all these people who didn't vote Clinton are going to be crying and saying they don't know how this happened. As if they can't understand that they were part of the problem! I think that is part of the problem though - that they don't understand.

At any rate, my little brother understands because I made it very clear to him if he voted Gary Johnson he better hope I don't die under a Trump presidency or he's going to have to sit in the parking lot and cry his car...because he's not allowed in the building!


lindahoyland November 11 2016, 07:50:40 UTC
Big hugs.May you be spared what is happening here.


dodger_sister November 30 2016, 00:45:30 UTC
Big hugs.May you be spared what is happening here.

<3. Thank you. That is my fear, that we will have millions cut from the insurance rolls and lose far too many in what should be unavoidable, but won't be. And I suspect about as many people will care over here that seem to care over there - not many. :(


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