A Bit Of Loveliness.

Sep 27, 2016 23:47

As I write this - Tuesday, September 27th - it is one month since my Grandma Ava passed away. It's been a long month of funeral planning and estate selling. Of family drama and family love. Of dealing with the grief of watching my childhood safe space get tucked away and put up for sale, the family farm, the place where my heart was able to find ( Read more... )

photos - various, friends 4evah, photos - my life, in memorial, furry family, cats are squishy fun!, poetry by others, my grandparents - my heroes, real life, sister oh sister

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Comments 16

ceitfianna September 28 2016, 04:21:27 UTC
I love that picture especially the kitty looking right at the camera and her laughter. She looks like she was a wonderful woman to know. That poem is fantastic too. *hugs*


dodger_sister December 6 2016, 23:08:30 UTC
I love that picture especially the kitty looking right at the camera and her laughter. She looks like she was a wonderful woman to know. That poem is fantastic too. *hugs*

You know Grandma always kept saying she wasn't going to get another cat, that she couldn't handle the heartbreak when they passed, and yet somehow strays kept finding there way to the farm. (Or family members would sneak them out there, lol.). All the cats somehow knew that Grandma would warm up the milk for them, just like we always knew Grandma would give us whatever we needed to be warm and safe. Once I remember Grandpa going to set out the saucer of milk for their cat Lucy and Grandma yelling at him, "Lynn, what are you doing? That has to be heated up first!" /Hugs/


matchboximpala September 28 2016, 04:24:10 UTC
Wow, that poem was just lovely. Thanks for sharing it.

And I loved the photo of your grandma with the cats. You and Sis definitely inherited that gene.


dodger_sister December 6 2016, 23:14:39 UTC
Wow, that poem was just lovely. Thanks for sharing it.

Thank you. This reminds me that I was going to look into who got Great Grandma Rapp's folder of poetry. I would love to have it to type up and save. Since none of GG Rapp's grandsons were poets - not by a long shot, lol - the folder should probably end up in the hands of one of the three great-granddaughters who are semi-wanna-be writers!

And I loved the photo of your grandma with the cats. You and Sis definitely inherited that gene.

Of all the personality traits I inherited from Grandma, I am most proud of my love of cats and my dirty sense of humor! ;)


shirebound September 28 2016, 04:34:38 UTC
I love that poem, and I love that photo. Thank you for sharing your grandma and great-grandma with us.


dodger_sister December 6 2016, 23:15:53 UTC
I love that poem, and I love that photo. Thank you for sharing your grandma and great-grandma with us.

Thank you! :). Grandma would get such a tickle out of being 'featured' on my 'internet blog'. Lol. <3


bugeyedmonster September 28 2016, 14:55:40 UTC
Sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Love the poem and the cat picture.

There is an LJ community where they post kitty pictures. (kitty_pics, I think?) Maybe you could post that picture of your grandma with the cats.


dodger_sister December 6 2016, 23:19:37 UTC
Sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Love the poem and the cat picture.

Thank you. <3. She was an amazing woman. For some reason, her loss has hit me harder than my other grandparents, perhaps because it came so suddenly, with no illness predating it.

There is an LJ community where they post kitty pictures. (kitty_pics, I think?) Maybe you could post that picture of your grandma with the cats.

I did put it up on Tumblr and it got a little love there - Tumblr is rather fond of kitty pics and old photos (tumblr really does love 'antique photos') - and I will probably post it again come her birthday in May!


lindahoyland September 28 2016, 19:17:46 UTC
A lovely poem and photo. Hugs.


dodger_sister December 6 2016, 23:21:16 UTC
A lovely poem and photo. Hugs.

/hugs back/. I am sure my Great Grandma can't even fathom what having her poetry read on 'the internet' - something that didn't exist when she was alive - is like, but she would be pleased to get so much love on it! <3


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