My Current TV Time.

Feb 07, 2016 00:21

So, Sis and I just came up with a game plan for our TV watching. We just finished the first half of Sleepy Hollow's current season. Next we are watching The Guild, before Netflix drops it at the end of the month. Sis has seen it before, but I haven't and she wants to watch it again. Then we are watching the last half of the last season ( ( Read more... )

reality tv is my shame, flash - fastest man alive, without a criminal bones: svu, dance-geek, the fosters are a family, family circus, avatar not the one with blue people, the x-files - trust everyone, tv show blahblahblahing, arrow - the green hood, agents of shield, sister oh sister, the walking dead are coming!

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Comments 15

vikingprincess February 7 2016, 06:19:04 UTC
Lotta damn tv, girl!

Right now I'm just doing Agent Carter, and Shannara every few weeks. I'm waiting on AoS, Penny Dreadful, Outlander, and GoT, but those final three will get waited on and then watched in chunks.

I have NO SCHOOLWORK tomorrow. I'm determined to write even if the writing is shit.


dodger_sister March 25 2016, 21:41:46 UTC
Lotta damn tv, girl!

LOL, yeah. I probably watch 3-4 hours of TV a day, which since I don't have a job, I figure is decent and acceptable. It still leaves me about 3-4 hours of 'work' time, if I have the spoons.

Right now I'm just doing Agent Carter, and Shannara every few weeks. I'm waiting on AoS, Penny Dreadful, Outlander, and GoT, but those final three will get waited on and then watched in chunks.

Sis is nuts about Penny Dreadful, she watches one ep every Saturday morning with The BFF and they have to close my bedroom door because they get so rowdy and wake me up! Agent Carter was SO good this season, omg, do you think Thompson is really dead? I think so, but Canadian Brother says no way. How's Shannarra, any good? Who's in it?

I have NO SCHOOLWORK tomorrow. I'm determined to write even if the writing is shit.

I'm literally answering this comment as a way to procrastinate writing my next chapter of the book. lol


vikingprincess March 26 2016, 00:58:26 UTC
I do have the TV going for three or four hours each weekday, but normally am not actually watching much. Tuesdays are different. I actually pay attention at TV Tuesdays with my friend. :)

Shannara - I think the actor who played/plays Jorah Mormont on GoT is in it I don't know who anyone else is. It's pretty epic, though the first five eps or so have already repeated a couple of plot hooks with different characters, which is a bit of a bummer. It is free on demand, though.

I can hardly wait for more Penny Dreadful! I have to binge watch April 18-25 for however much of S3 there has been. I think you would really dig it, too - it's Angel with more horror in Victorian times, basically.


ericadawn16 February 7 2016, 06:25:06 UTC
have any of you tried the new show You, Me & The Apocalypse?

Yes, I was disappointed. I'm not sure I laughed once. Now, it was the first episode which is almost never funny but still with that cast?

However, Legends of Tomorrow has become the highlight of my Thursdays...sorry Elementary...

The X-Files and Agent Carter are both so good!

Also, Star Wars: Rebels is better than the actual films...


dodger_sister March 25 2016, 21:47:40 UTC
Yeah, Sis watched the first 2 eps of You, Me & The Apocalypse and said it wasn't that good. She could see the potential there, but felt they were not getting it where it should be. So she said she wasn't gonna watch it, so I decided to not even try it. I've got too much other TV waiting for me that I know I like.

However, Legends of Tomorrow has become the highlight of my Thursdays...sorry Elementary...

You know what? Me too. It can be so ridiculous over-the-top comic-booky but that's actually what I like about it. I hate time travel as a concept, it gets me all riled up like, "But if they do that, won't they mess up the timeline to this and then that won't exist...etc" but somehow Legends manages to make it all work and click and the team is fantastic and Ray has even grown on me.

The X-Files and Agent Carter are both so good!I finished both the seasons and 1) clearly they are coming back for S11 of XFiles bc they can't leave it like that! and 2) Omg, is Thompson really dead, what?! I can't believe Carter ended like that, ( ... )


ericadawn16 March 26 2016, 02:00:11 UTC
I love Doctor Who and stuff so time travel is no problem for me but I feel like they address all the consequences more than usual?

Which is a good thing, I like that.

I even liked the flashbacks with Rory and a lot of people seem to complain about those.

1. I still want a continuation of season 10 so we can get 10.13

2. Yes...but, I think Peggy's brother might be alive after all, thus, preserving Sharon Carter as niece (grand-niece/great grand-niece/whatever) of Peggy.

Yay! I try to convert everyone to Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels.


dodger_sister March 26 2016, 03:07:45 UTC
Yeah I def feel like they address the time travel consequences more than usual too and I like that. I found myself actually sad when Rory left the team (I don't believe for a second that Snart killed him though).

Ahahaha, 10:13, I didn't even think of that, lol.

Yes to Michael still being alive, thus the M. Carter on the file. Someone wrote up a thing about it on tumblr and I reblogged with a response here. It's a valid theory for sure.


matchboximpala February 7 2016, 09:36:52 UTC
You, Me and the Apocalypse is really good -- definitely worth the watch. I started watching it because Rob Lowe is pretty funny in The Grinder and I wanted to see what he was like in this.

I've just watched the 3rd episode of Legends of Tomorrow and I am struggling with it. Though I like most of the characters (except Sara, who looks like she is stoned ALL OF THE TIME), the writing seems pretty weak to me. Not sure I will stick with it.

All the shows I have stacked up on my computer to watch are ones that require attention, i.e., I can't be watching them while I am working, or looking at LJ, or working on graphics stuff. That includes 1 and 1/2 seasons of the Good Wife, the last season of Vikings, the new X-Files, all seasons of Lost Girl, Poldark, the last season of Outlander, and many, many more.

One recommendation for you -- my friend and I are watching Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, which is based on a book that I absolutely loved. Both the book and the show are fantastic.


dodger_sister March 25 2016, 21:55:32 UTC
You, Me and the Apocalypse is really good -- definitely worth the watch. I started watching it because Rob Lowe is pretty funny in The Grinder and I wanted to see what he was like in this.

I was gonna watch because of Rob Lowe too, he was so great on Parks & Recs, but Sis tried Y,M&TA and decided it fell too flat for her and I decided I just have too much other TV to watch. If it makes it to Netflix, it will be one of those shows that I binge in like a week, I think. It seems like a good bingey show.

I've just watched the 3rd episode of Legends of Tomorrow and I am struggling with it. Though I like most of the characters (except Sara, who looks like she is stoned ALL OF THE TIME), the writing seems pretty weak to me. Not sure I will stick with it.WHAT?! HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE SARA?! Omg, I would take a sword chop for that lady. Legends took a while to hit its stride, but I feel like it finally has, they figured out what they want to do with each character and how they fit into the team (finally) and they cut out a few members of ( ... )


wolfrider89 February 11 2016, 17:17:09 UTC
Lots of shows! Yay! Netflix thought I might enjoy The Fosters, can you tell me anything about it? How do you like it?

*chants* Agent Carter, Agent Carter, Agent Carter. ;)

*premiers McDanno icon*

(I don't usually use name mash ups for ships all that much, but McDanno? It has grown on me. :p)


wolfrider89 February 11 2016, 17:17:38 UTC
And yes, I stole your McDanno icon cause I couldn't find my own. :P


dodger_sister February 22 2016, 00:22:36 UTC
And yes, I stole your McDanno icon cause I couldn't find my own. :P

I love that McDanno icon - isn't it great? It was a great moment between them too, just casually bickering about something stupid and mundane, like omg, could they love each other more?!

For future reference, I searched for H5o icons on LJ and here are the search results! H5O icons!


wolfrider89 February 26 2016, 15:18:16 UTC
Ah, you are a hero! Thank you! And yes, that moment is lovely, and they are so in love and can they just kiss already??? Please? I need it in my life.


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