While Other Places Have Ponies Or Parrots...

May 05, 2015 22:12

Hiccup is settling in quite nicely here. He already knows my sister and her voice, knows she is 'Mama', will start crying when she comes in from work and he can hear her from the other room. He watches everything she does, his eyes follow her everywhere. He has also learned that I am good for a snuggle and will curl up on my boob or in my armpit ( Read more... )

brothers!, the nephew, sick n tired, birthdays, photos - my life, family circus, blame canada, little girl cousin, furry family, cats are squishy fun!, that's why they call it a workout, photos - pets, real life, sister oh sister

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Comments 16

ceitfianna May 6 2015, 04:30:18 UTC
*hugs you and snuggles Hiccup* He's beautiful and I'm so glad he's settling in. I recently rewatched How to Train your Dragon 2 as I love that movie and that world.

It sucks to hear that you're having added health stuff but I'm getting ready to send goodies to you and nephew. Be well and if you ever want some fic for distraction, let me know. I always write faster when writing for someone else. Give Hiccup and all the kitties a snuggle for me.


dodger_sister June 15 2015, 04:48:13 UTC
*hugs you and snuggles Hiccup* He's beautiful and I'm so glad he's settling in. I recently rewatched How to Train your Dragon 2 as I love that movie and that world.It is so gorgeously animated and well thought out and has great characters and voice actors - what a whim that we had P with us at Target that day and he was like, "I love this movie, it has dragons!" So we picked it up and now we love it more than he ever did ( ... )


ceitfianna June 15 2015, 20:50:49 UTC
I'm that he liked the books and sorry that I ended up not mailing stuff, life got away from me.

I'm looking forward to reading The Runaway's Gold as I remember being interested in it.

All the How to Train your Dragon stuff is great, there's a tv show that's on Netflix.


dodger_sister June 16 2015, 01:41:45 UTC
All the How to Train your Dragon stuff is great, there's a tv show that's on Netflix.

Ooohhhh, I'll have to check that out after I finish Netflix's Puss In Boots series!


matchboximpala May 6 2015, 05:53:26 UTC
So absolutely adorable.


dodger_sister June 15 2015, 04:49:21 UTC
Thank you! Hiccup really is the cutest! He always has such a worried old man face, it is so adorable! But he is growing so fast, he won't look like a baby much longer!


vikingprincess May 6 2015, 11:27:05 UTC
Such a cutie-pie! I'm glad the other cats are taking to him, or at least not actively disliking him!

Yay, visits! Boo, exhaustion!


dodger_sister June 15 2015, 04:52:54 UTC
Kirk acts so put out by Hiccup, but I think he is really glad to have a playmate. Pippin isn't as into brother-wrestling as he used to be when they are younger and Kirk stills has tons of energy (IDEK how since he is so tiny, he should run out energy faster than anyone!). So Hiccup has really kept him entertained and Kirk's behavior even seems better since Hiccup came along. Roo stills hisses and chases Hiccup off whenever Hiccup tries to play with him. Pippin seems to like him the best and has taken on the caretaker role, which is adorable. Hiccup is still a biter though - we gotta break him of that.


vikingprincess June 16 2015, 03:12:37 UTC
Bite him back! (What we used to do was catch the kitty's face and hold the jaws -gently!- shut, repeating as necessary until they learned better.)


dodger_sister June 16 2015, 04:53:37 UTC
I've been putting my finger under his chin, tipping his head back and away from the bitee and telling him NO very sternly. I know it's a symptom of being taken from his mother and weaned way too early but he's old enough now, he needs to stop.

My mother once bit my brother back to get get him to stop. My little brother was about three and biting everyone and he bit my older brother and almost took his ear off and blood was running down my older brother's face and my mom picked the little one up by his shirt, bit him as hard as she could on the arm and then locked him in his bedroom, bleeding, and told him to think about how that felt. Actually, it was kind of horrifying. Huh. OMG, now I don't know why shared that horrid story!


shirebound May 6 2015, 15:03:37 UTC
Hiccup is adorable! If you enjoy fluff-tales(tails), Baggins Babe wrote a sweet one-chapter story years ago about Rufus, the Bag End cat, teaching a new kitten the ropes.



dodger_sister June 15 2015, 04:59:08 UTC
Hiccup is just adorable and so soft and warm for a cuddle too! Thank you!

Oh, I loved that little story by Baggins Babe! Rufus and Sooty reminded me of my old Papa Bear back when we first got Kirk and Pippin and he reluctantly took them under his wing (tail?) and let them adopt him as their own. :)


lindahoyland May 7 2015, 00:51:37 UTC
I'm in love with the adorable Hiccup! Hope you soon feel better.


dodger_sister June 15 2015, 05:00:07 UTC
I am in love with Hiccup as well! Lol When we first got him, I thought to myself, 'Oh Linda's gonna love our new ginger cat!' Thank you!


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