While Other Places Have Ponies Or Parrots...

May 05, 2015 22:12

Hiccup is settling in quite nicely here. He already knows my sister and her voice, knows she is 'Mama', will start crying when she comes in from work and he can hear her from the other room. He watches everything she does, his eyes follow her everywhere. He has also learned that I am good for a snuggle and will curl up on my boob or in my armpit, lol. The other cats had some issues at first - Kirk in particular, as he actually growled and hissed at my sister for the first few days of Hiccup being here. He has settled since then and today even went looking for Hiccup, when I asked where Baby Brother had gotten to. Pippin took to him within the first two days, immediately smelling Hiccup's butt and deciding he was a-okay. Roo is indifferent, which is probably the best we can hope for. As long as Hiccup doesn't interfere with Roo's bedtime routine, he doesn't give a shit. Today I caught Pippin playing 'chase' with Hiccup. Pip would meander slowly through the house, looking over his shoulder occasionally to see if Hiccup was following and Hiccup would chase after him, butt waddling, trying 'sneak up on his prey'. It was the most slow motion game of tag I have ever seen and it was adorable!

So here, have some pictures of the 6th week of Hiccup's life and his second week with his Forever Family.

Also, yes, The Canadians were here and Grandma had her birthday and I am back at PT and The Nephew and Little Girl Cousin spent the night and I think I may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...so lots of things to report on, but tonight I am tired and just wanted to share pics of Hiccup, our dragon tamer! I'll write up the rest later this week, maybe.

brothers!, the nephew, sick n tired, birthdays, photos - my life, family circus, blame canada, little girl cousin, furry family, cats are squishy fun!, that's why they call it a workout, photos - pets, real life, sister oh sister

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