Everyone Thinks They Are A Comedian.

Jan 25, 2015 19:11

Thank you to everyone for your well-wishes for my Grandma. She made it through just fine, spent one night in the hospital and was released with the agreement that my uncle would stay with her for a few days.. It turned out not to be a biopsy at all, but rather a full-on surgery. They removed both her ovaries. She consented without even knowing what ( Read more... )

mini-me - childhood, laugh laugh i nearly died, birthdays, my girls, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, my grandparents - my heroes, real life, because i'm sick and twisted like that, do you like waffles, sister oh sister

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Comments 22

shirebound January 26 2015, 00:27:01 UTC
I need you to promise me that at my memorial, whenever some starts crying, that you’ll jump up and yell, ‘Did everyone get a roll?’

That's the best thing I've ever heard. I love her!


dodger_sister February 1 2015, 21:15:36 UTC
lol My grandma is hysterical! I get my sense of humor from her, for sure!


yeuxdebleu January 26 2015, 00:36:25 UTC
What a wonderful story about your grandmother and the rolls. Sounds like your grandparents both have/had a good sense of humor.


dodger_sister February 1 2015, 21:17:05 UTC
What a wonderful story about your grandmother and the rolls. Sounds like your grandparents both have/had a good sense of humor.

My grandma is one of those old ladies that tells dirty jokes and makes inappropriate remarks about hot guys everywhere. lol It's a riot and clearly where I get it from! Grandpa was one of those guys who tells the same 5 jokes over and over again and laughs uproariously each time!


vikingprincess January 26 2015, 00:40:02 UTC
Your whole family's on a roll! *ba dum dump*

Happy Birthday to K! (that cake sounds AMAZING)


dodger_sister February 1 2015, 21:18:19 UTC
Your whole family's on a roll! *ba dum dump*

/rolls eyes at you/

Happy Birthday to K! (that cake sounds AMAZING)

OMG, you don't even know, man! I started my period like 2 days later and I swear, that cake is the reason - it totally kicked me into ovulation!


vikingprincess February 1 2015, 21:37:28 UTC
Sounds more like it shocked your body into rejecting any egg that had implanted without first experiencing the CAKE. :P


ceitfianna January 26 2015, 00:42:18 UTC
I'm glad that your grandmother's doing well and hee, your family sounds silly.

Hee, that birthday party must have been wonderful.


dodger_sister February 1 2015, 21:20:03 UTC
I'm glad that your grandmother's doing well and hee, your family sounds silly. Hee, that birthday party must have been wonderful.

My family is full of dorks and we all think were hysterical! lol IDK how much K appreciated the funeral-esque theme of his birthday celebration, but we all thought it was great fun! He seemed resigned to it by the time I got there. ;)


lindahoyland January 26 2015, 01:06:58 UTC
I'm glad your Grandma is OK. A big operation for anyone at her age to have.


dodger_sister February 1 2015, 21:21:01 UTC
I'm glad your Grandma is OK. A big operation for anyone at her age to have.

Thank you. It certainly was. Now she is talking about having heart surgery. I guess she looked at this last one as a trial run.


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