Everyone Thinks They Are A Comedian.

Jan 25, 2015 19:11

Thank you to everyone for your well-wishes for my Grandma. She made it through just fine, spent one night in the hospital and was released with the agreement that my uncle would stay with her for a few days.. It turned out not to be a biopsy at all, but rather a full-on surgery. They removed both her ovaries. She consented without even knowing what they were doing. The night before she told my sister, “Oh honey, I don’t even know what this thing is they are doing tomorrow.” /shakes head/ Thankfully it all went well.

She also said though that when she arrives in Heaven that Grandpa will ask what took her so long. My sister said, “Really, Grandma? You think that’s the first thing he’ll ask? He won’t immediately want to know the price of wheat?” and Grandma laughed and laughed and said, “You’re right, first he’ll ask for the latest crop report.” I agree!

Also there is this old joke in our family about dinner rolls. See, Grandma is one of those people that at family dinners cannot sit down until everyone has everything they need. So we’d all be well into our dinners and she’d still be fussing around, asking people if they got some of this or that. And always rolls, “Did everyone get a roll,” and we’d all be, “OMG, sit down, Grandma, we all got rolls!” So then one year, after we convinced her to finally sit down and start eating, one of my cousins shouts out, “Wait, I didn’t get a roll!” as a joke and Grandma gets up to get her one and we laughed and all were like, “No, sit down!” So now, inevitably, at every family dinner, once everyone has sat down, one of the cousins will pop up and go, “Wait, did everyone get a roll?!” Grandma told my sister, “Now I need you to promise me that at my memorial, whenever some starts crying, that you’ll jump up and yell, ‘Did everyone get a roll?’ okay,” and my sister agreed. I have no doubt she will actually do this at Grandma’s memorial service and everyone will laugh!

ION, yesterday was K’s 50th birthday, so at the clinic on Friday they had decorated with black streamers and black balloons everywhere and everyone was wearing black. I was told ahead of time to wear all black and I noticed almost all of the patients there - except for 2 teenagers - were all dressed in black as well. Apparently it wasn’t just a employee wide joke, they had spread the word to all their patients too! Of course, K didn’t know they were doing this and chose that day to wear his bright pink shirt, so he was like a stab of color amongst all the black decorations and clothing. After he left work, they cut down all the black balloons and stuffed them in his office for him to find on Monday. Also they gave me a piece of his birthday cake to eat. It was called Better Than Sex and omg, this is what I want for my birthday this year. It was chocolate cake with caramel and filling injected into it and it was all soggy and delicious and omg, my eyes literally rolled back in my head. One of the new aides asked why I got a piece of cake even though I don’t work there - (I think he was trying to hoard it all for himself!) - and he was told, “She’s our favorite, she gets whatever she wants.’ Ha!

That is all.

mini-me - childhood, laugh laugh i nearly died, birthdays, my girls, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, my grandparents - my heroes, real life, because i'm sick and twisted like that, do you like waffles, sister oh sister

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