Srz Bznz Question!

Sep 07, 2010 23:01

So, tringic was asking which Winchester would be people's WILF. Also, I saw that con vid of someone asking Misha the ever important question - who would you want to shag, marry or kill - Cas, Dean or Sam? (For those of you that don't know, he responded with, "Well, I've always wanted to fuck myself ( Read more... )

need story ideas like i need oxy, dean winchester - i'd tap that, sam winchester is a sexy beast, sleep now, spn love, castiel - angel of rock, john winchester can be my daddy, crack my brain, srz bznz questions, ash is my dead boyfriend

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Comments 21

anyothergirl415 September 8 2010, 03:06:09 UTC
I am HORRIBLE at commenting because I have the attention span of a gnat on a goldfish BUT I thought this deserved a comment.

Except the part were it won't be of anything of importance, just me blabbering about how your posts always crack me up and I should have mentioned that before hand. Clearly you smoke awesome crack darling and won't you share because we could all use a little Misha crack.

HA! :D


dodger_sister September 15 2010, 06:12:08 UTC
I got all SQUEE over this. I mean, I think I'm hysterical, but it's nice when other people recgonize my genius. ;) lol

Clearly you smoke awesome crack darling and won't you share because we could all use a little Misha crack.
- Misha would like me to point out that there is nothing little about it. Also, you said Misha and crack in the same sentence - heehee - yes, I am a twelve year old boy on a school camping trip, thank you very much.

But you didn't answer the question. Answer The Question, Claire! <--it's always good to bully people using Breakfast Club quotes.


anyothergirl415 September 15 2010, 07:08:22 UTC
As long as we have an agreement that you'll never call me Claire again (seriously, Breakfast Club is awesome and I'm a supporter of quotes in general but CLAIRE, eeesh) I will answer the question ( ... )


dodger_sister September 20 2010, 01:26:25 UTC
No on the Claire? How about Alison (wait, was that her name? Ally Sheedy? Qas it Alison? Well, I'm too lazy to look it up,) but I'll call you Alison. Except I'm Alison. Fine, I'll be Claire and make out with Bender. Next ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

dodger_sister September 15 2010, 06:21:23 UTC
I want to be Andy's afterlife BFF. - Don't we all. /sigh/

This makes me want to write Andy & Ash as BFFs in the after-life, alternating between their heavens of The Roadhouse and The Van. <--Stop giving me story ideas! I don't have time!

Yeah, I agree none of the Winchesters would make very good husbands. I didn't say it wouldn't end in divorce, but I'd climb Sam while I could. Plus, if Dean were living in our basement, they could still be dysfunctional and co-dependent, I'm fine with that.

I keep feeling like I made a mistake marrying Sam though, because passing on backseat of The Impala-sex seems wrong to me (can't have sex with Sam in the backseat of The Impala, he won't fit.)

Not changing my mind about John though. Never.

Or Ash and Andy. My boyfriends for life.


liptonrm September 8 2010, 03:48:46 UTC
I bet you already know how I'm going to answer your question.

Shag John, Marry Dean, Be Bffies with Sam.

Or Shag Josh Lyman then after that ends horrendously Shag Dean, Marry Gunn, Be Bffies with Sam Seaborne and Sandy Cohen.

The End


dodger_sister September 15 2010, 06:25:26 UTC
I bet you already know how I'm going to answer your question.

My initial reaction to this was - "Don't you dare say you are going to marry Dean! I know you leave that shit by the side of the road and head to CA. Cuz dude, I know you love him, but that ain't going to go well in the end. Everybody knows LiptonGunn4Evah!"

But then I read the rest of the comment and yeah.

Also - Team Sandy Cohen 4Evah! Wants More OC Now!

Will you teach Seaborne how to LJ? Ha! That'd be awesome!

EDIT: PS - FrannieJohn4Evah! Which is only slightly OT, but never not fun to think about! Also - TAYLORSKIP4EVAH!


liptonrm September 15 2010, 17:25:09 UTC
Yay! I got the "Don't Ever Change" icon! You know me so well. =D

And, now that I think about it, Gunn and I totally have a polyamorous affair with Gwen Raiden. And by affair I mean every time she blows into town cue boom chicka bow. Because apparently I am a group sex kind of person.

Taylor/Skip is canon. Trufax. And the only person crazy enough to put up with John is Frannie, because she just doesn't give a shit about his pain. YAYSPRETENDN


dodger_sister September 16 2010, 03:04:42 UTC
Now I give you a Crowley icon, because CROWLEY!! You know who kicks your ass for that whole Bobby thing? Crowley. Also, Mark Sheppard - and I'd actually be afraid of that.

Also, fangirls. Oh, maybe we should get you a bodyguard. And I don't mean Misha. He's busy guarding my body. Later, we're going to transfigure something.

And now I'm laughing too hard to see straight and I'm gonna wake up The Sister accidently. And blame it on you.

This comment has nothing to do with your comment but is totlly a riff off that phone call we had earlier.

You know what else pisses me off? "John and Frannie live in a cabin and collect dogs and write novels that are better than Stephen King's and..." blahblahblah, you are all a bunch of liar-heads! What does Frannie get in her after-life? Charlie and a dog and a bunch of holes.

SKIPTAYLOR4EVAH!! I wants a tinhat!

Dean/Cas SPN Hogwarts HS AU!

Did I miss anything?

Also - don't forget, Rachel and Adison are totally BFFs. Remember that slumber party?

When are you coming down?


menel September 8 2010, 17:21:24 UTC
This is the kind of ridiculousness that I need at 1am. *g ( ... )


dodger_sister September 15 2010, 06:41:54 UTC
John is out of the equation. He's hot and bad-ass, but I wouldn't tap that

WHAT?! Don't even talk to me right now. I thought we shared a brain? Do we not share girly parts too? Wait - no cuz that would be weird. But still, go stand in the corner, woman! Dammit, one more reason why the Tivo breaking has cursed me. That JDM DVD of Sex I was going to make you for Christmas would have been just the thing to bring you around on this. Unless it's a John-specific thing? Wait, you have daddy-issues! I'm sure you do. Don't you? Am I confusing myself with you again?

Sam is the one I would be bestest friends with. We'd be all nerdy and geeky together. Dean is the one I'd marry.

You are nerdy and geeky. I am not the least bit surprised by this answer. Hey! Let's get houses in the same neighborhood and each marry our Winchester and then be bffs with each other's husbands and all LJ together and then when they go off to fight evil (it's inevitable, they will have to do that sometimes), we can totally keep each other company and ( ... )


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