Srz Bznz Question!

Sep 07, 2010 23:01

So, tringic was asking which Winchester would be people's WILF. Also, I saw that con vid of someone asking Misha the ever important question - who would you want to shag, marry or kill - Cas, Dean or Sam? (For those of you that don't know, he responded with, "Well, I've always wanted to fuck myself.")

I don't really want to have to kill anyone - so, I switched it out to the following:

Of John, Dean and Sam - who would you rather shag, marry or be bestest best friends who totally livejournal together with?

This is an important question. I actually had to think about it myself.

I mean, I don't think I'd want to marry John and I doubt we would be bestest best friends, whether we livejournaled or not - but I so want to tap that. That one was easy.

But the other two - I mean, my first reaction is to totally marry Dean, cuz he's Dean, sorry Sammy. But then I got to thinking about being bestest best friends with Dean and teaching him the joys of LiveJournal (I have been going back over my "Dean writes Glee fanfic" story so I can post it this week, why do you ask?)

And then I thought, Dean might not be the best to be married to anyway - and I'd hate to miss tapping that - but seriously, Sam would be great to be married to, and that would kind of rock. Plus, I can climb him like a tree. It's a thing I like.

So, if I married Sam, I think I would want Dean to live in our basement and we could totally livejournal at each other while we are in the same house.

Also - any non-winchester characters you would want to answer any of these questions with?

Just asking, because I would take all three of these things from Ash and Andy. Yes, together. I would totally screw them, marry them and teach them about the joys of livejournal - not necessarily in that order. Also, I'd totally tap Cas and enjoy teaching him about the internets in general - but can you imagine Cas in fandom? That'd be hysterical. I wonder if anyone wrote this in a fic.

How much ridiculous is in this post? A lot.
Can I blame it on extreme lack of sleep? Cuz I'm gonna.

need story ideas like i need oxy, dean winchester - i'd tap that, sam winchester is a sexy beast, sleep now, spn love, castiel - angel of rock, john winchester can be my daddy, crack my brain, srz bznz questions, ash is my dead boyfriend

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